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Looking to ditch the Tureen Jars...

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The Tureen can be trying at times when wicking and I'm ready to replace it with something else. I'm also thinking about replacing the Status Jars as well. The Status is just a heavy jar and can add considerably to the shipping cost. I'm thinking in line of the Salsa Jar. But I also came across the Madison Jar. These look very similar. Anyone that uses these, do you like them, are they good movers for you? TIA

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I use the salsa jars from fillmore. Really like them with the black lids. I changed after having to double wick apoth jars for fundraisers. Wish I had changed earlier. Customers seem to like them, they are cheaper and that has been a plus. I do still carry the 16 & 26 oz apoth jar but they are more special order cause a couple online customers like them best but for the most the salsa jar has been fine.

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May I ask what the difficulty is with the tureen jars? I am just switching to them (11 oz and 6 oz size) because they have some character to the shape and rather inexpensive.

So far, the wicking is going OK. I did notice that different FO amounts does tend to require a wick change. CD 6 and CD 8 are both close. CD7 might be perfect. I might try similar ROC of the ECO's just to see if they shroom a bit less.

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I had been using the 12oz and 16oz salsa jars from Fillmore Containers and they sold very well for me. But I recently switched to the 9oz straight sided jars as they leave less bottom wax than the wider 12oz salsa jars. Plus they match the salsa jar in looks and I still use the matching black lids. The 9oz far outsell the 12oz so I am glad I switched. I still use the 16oz for those that want a large candle.

The salsa jars look very nice and sell great. I would recommend them to replace the tureens. Not sure why anyone would want to use tureens for anything other than wickless candles anyway. They are not ideal jars for container candles.

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Thanks everyone...Salsa it is!! And I'm thinking we'll go with the smaller size to start out and see how they move first. @ Eric...it's probably more a personal choice to drops the Tureen. I think it's a couple of issues...first, the shape of the jar and then the bottom of the jar slants down a little, making the wick placement kinda close. But hey...if it's working for you and moving as well...then I'd keep them in your line up. We were looking at Fillmore, for the Salsa, but will also search around to see who has the best shipping to SC. I wish CS had these as they are the closest! Thanks again for your input everyone!

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I, too, am eyeing salsa jars. I made several testers from reclaimed salsa jars (I admit - I hardly ever throw a glass jar away... the unkind term "packrat" comes to mind... :embarasse) and was very pleased with the results. Straight sided containers are far easier to wick accurately than curved shapes, IMHO. The salsas are also more affordable than the more graceful curvaceous jars that look so lovely but give one fits to wick.

We were looking at Fillmore, for the Salsa, but will also search around to see who has the best shipping to SC

Sometimes containers like these are available from local restaurant supply companies. The unit price might be slightly higher, but what one can save on shipping (especially with gas prices going up, up, up) can make them a better value.

Now I'm craving some nacho chips and salsa... :rolleyes2 I gotta get off this holiday eating binge!! :shocked2::laugh2:

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Stella...I agree with the (woolahlah )"curvaceous" jars. It's bad enough doing the whole testing process without jar issues. If I can simplify by adjusting the jars we use, then that's what we'll do. And thanks for the heads up on restaurant supply companies. Never even thought about looking there. We have a friend that owns a small restaurant, so we'll give him a call. (And Mexican sounds really good for dinner!):yay:

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Besides Fillmore, SKS at http://www.sks-bottle.com/Food-Containers.html has the salsa jars too. They also carry salsa type jars in both the CT and Lug type lids like Fillmore. Just watch the lids you choose as SKS has only the white lids for the CT salsas but carries a variety of lid colors in the lug style in the 12 oz. At least you know there is a backup supplier. They both also have wholesale and skid discounts but you have to call them about those.

Like Stella suggests-- wicking these jars was a breeze compaired to others I've worked with. And if you like to put your labels on the side you don't have to worry about jar curves. But word of warning-- the 12 oz salsa jars will not take the 2"x4" labels if that is what you usually use. You will need a 1.75"x4" and Online labels has them. Labels by the sheet does not carry this size.

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OK, I placed my order. After reading all your posts, I went back to Fillmore and SKS. (To me it was a little confusing as the jars seem so similar, but yet are called different things) Anyway, I placed our order with Fillmore for the 9 oz Straight Sided Jars. The price, lids and shipping are very reasonable to coastal SC. Also, when we order again, we had to consider where they are coming from. Fillmore being in Lancaster, PA vs SKS in Watervliet, NY. Thanks so much guys for your input. Really looking forward to getting these in and testing!

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Just received an order from Fillmore. Got a couple of cases of the 7.75, 9, 12 and 16 ounce straight sided jars. I prefer the lug style, as opposed to the CT. Which thread do you all prefer? Also got a case of the 1.5 oz 12-sided jars. They are so cute, just couldn't resist! Now what am I going to do with them, LOL.



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Its kind of hard to describe without a picture of the jar threads. The CT or continuous thread has longer circular threads all around the jar top for the lid to screw on about 2 times around before its on tight. While the lug has short threads that match up with similar indentations on a slimmer lid. More like knotches. The lids fit on tight with about a half a twist turn. I like the lugs cause they are easier to use, more compact, and less bulky then the CTs.

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Got my shipment of jars last night from Fillmore. Great service! LOVE this size jar. (9 oz) I was trying to decide whether to get silver lids or black and finally decided to get the black ones. They are perfect. I'm really glad to be moving away from Tureen jars. Thanks for your comments and suggestions guys

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