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Aroma Haven's shopping cart !!? >:o(

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How long do items stay in Aroma Haven's shopping cart? Not very long evidently. :( I spent 2+ hours (literally) reading descriptions and adding FOs to my cart; I then got up to make myself a drink and answer a 5 min phone call and came back to continue shopping when I found that my cart was completely empty! :confused: What HAPPENED to everything? Does the cart just empty out suddenly if there's no activity within just a few moments time? If so, I really wish that i had known this when I begin shopping. :mad: It would have saved me a lot of time. They should either fix/adjust the cart loading time or let customers know that they have a very short window of time before items are deleted from their cart. Now I have to go back and fill the cart again and HOPE that it doesn't disappear again if I have to move away from the keyboard for 5-10 mins. This is sooo frustrating. Has anyone else had this problem?

Edited by Mountain_Annie
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It happened to me also on Saturday,..and I had the Nantucket Briar in my cart, it disappeared and when I went to go enter it back into my cart,..the fragrance was no longer there.:mad: Must have sold out within 5 min. (It was on their discontinue page). I said hell with it and ordered nothing,.. and went and bought it at Natures Garden.

Edited by leisa2003
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yeah, their shopping cart does dump items if there is a period of inactivity of adding items to the cart, found this out the hard way when I first started ordering from them. :shocked2:

You have to figure out what you want first, then add items quickly.

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Hello, just joined this forum nice to meet you.

I wanted to add that the Ah/Re sale is very worth the cart

difficulties and occasional timeouts. I was lucky enough to

perservere on Saturday to get my order in. The sale is just

so huge that everyone wants in. Of course they do right?!

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Hello, just joined this forum nice to meet you.

I wanted to add that the Ah/Re sale is very worth the cart

difficulties and occasional timeouts. I was lucky enough to

perservere on Saturday to get my order in. The sale is just

so huge that everyone wants in. Of course they do right?!

I agree. I've ordered from them for years and it's like a game now. It's not a problem with routine orders but during the scent event you have to have a game plan LOL. Make your list, check it twice and then allow no interruptions. If you time out, reward yourself with two new selections for your troubles and DO NOT get flustered and forget to put "SCOOP NEWSLETTER" in the correct place.

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It's bull crap, there are several carts that do that. I also have said the hell with it and just went somewhere else. If this has been going on for years then they don't want to do anything about it. ICS also has a crappy cart. Although I really like how it pops up on the side and doesn't go to another page. After a few complaints seems like it would get fixed. I like these companies but it takes too long to shop them. I shop when I'm working and have to get up many times. Please here our plea and fix your carts....

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