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Adding Lavender buds to M&P soap?


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If you're using a double boiler method, melt the soap down until it is completely liquified, but do NOT allow it to boil- then add your dye, if any, turn off the heat and let the soap sit for a while until it starts to form a small "skin" on the top. Stir in FO at this stage and let sit for a few more minutes until a thicker skin has formed. At this point, when you mix it with a spoon, it should be sort of like a slush- mix in your lavender buds and quickly pour into molds. M&P soap (as far as I know) does not need to cure. As soon as it's completely hard, I just pop it out of the molds and wrap it right away. HTH!

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I put them in my last batch of melt and pour and yep, they turned black. I also thought I had added just a small amount, but they look really ugly. Also when I use the soap in a bath, the lavender buds float in the water and they look like dead bugs. It is gross.

If you do add them, use a very small amount.


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I have not made it with the lavender buds in the soap- like prairieannie, I do sprinkle on the top sometimes.

I had a customer tell me once that she had purchased a soap with lavender buds in it and it looked like mouse poop...... yikes!

I have never tried the powder- that would be a fun thing to try... I wonder if it is gritty?

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Ok, I'm baffled. I use fresh ground lavender from my mom's garden, and they have never turned black. Has anyone used fresh ones, or just the ones from suppliers...I wonder if this would make a difference? How odd!

:embarasse This maybe a silly question but did you dry them first?? If so maybe suppliers put a chemical on them when drying that reacts w/ the soap.

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