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How to pick a Blueberry Cobbler or similar


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Ya, i am so confused.

I was wanting to try a new Blueberry Cobbler or something similiar. The last one I had was from Bittercreek , but that is now to far to ship. (I am in GA). So I thought I would get it from Bluegrass, then I realized if I got it from Berts or CandleScience, it would be around $15 cheaper.!(for 4 -1lb bottles). The shipping is roughly the same, but the price per lb is cheaper. Then I looked@ Aroma and theirs cost even more, but said that the oils were more concentrated...therefore more oil in the long run. These are all companies with great reputations and I'm confused on how different the pricing is!

Has anyone tried these? Can you suggest something for me? If you have an opinion you don't want to post here, please leave me a message. I can't afford to try one from each place..


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leenabug, for an awesome blueberry scent, I use Blueberry Pie from Alabaster ($12.95 per lb). My customers love it, and it's a big seller. I also buy their Mulled Cider, Birthday Cake, Tangerine Dreams and Sweet Cotton. Alabaster is located in Alabama.

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Thanks all ya. I use alot of stuff from Alabaster, that Mullled Cider is one of my bestsellers come fall/winter and right now I am selling lots of their Blackberry Pie. I just wanted to try oils from different places, but the pricing confuses me. I'm not smart enough to tell from the online order area what the difference is in the oils from company to company.

I once paid $20 a bottle for some oils thinking they must be better than the $13 oils at ****(which were decent), but they were horrible in my soy. I never did get a halfway decent scent throw. So I learned that more expensive doesn't always mean better quality. .........but then sometimes it does.........I just don't know how to detemine when other than actually testing it and thats not always cost effective

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I once paid $20 a bottle for some oils thinking they must be better than the $13 oils at ****(which were decent), but they were horrible in my soy. I never did get a halfway decent scent throw. So I learned that more expensive doesn't always mean better quality. .........but then sometimes it does.........I just don't know how to detemine when other than actually testing it and thats not always cost effective

Unfortunately this is the way we learn about how FOs work in our wax. We have to test each one and that gets expensive real fast.

I found that ordering FOs from suppliers that already test in your wax and rate them on their website helps a lot. For example, CS has the leaf rating system for throw in soy and Fillmore Containers tests all their oils in C3. I look for the information on each oil to see if its been tested in parrafin, soy, CP soap, etc. and what the results were and use that info to help make a decision to try it.

It also helps to come to this forum and ask others what works for them keeping in mind that their candle application is likely to be different than yours. But having a second opinion can be useful.

Then there are opionions on the suppliers themselves. Most of my oils come from Peaks, CS, And Fillmore Container oils because I am never disappointed with the quality and strength of their oils. They are almost always spot on and throw strong in my candles and soap. I use a few other suppliers like BW, Elements, Southern Gardens too because I found great oils from them as well.

But everything I found I tested and I hate to think of how much money I have spent on testors.

Another way to save is to try sampler packs. Some suppliers offer these and its a great way to try several oils at a time. Other suppliers like CS have sales on their 1 oz sample bottles and thats a great way to try out a new oil.

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Hmm, I don't know if it is more concentrated or not. I know that it has more staying power in tarts than some of the other blueberries I have tried. I have not tested it in a candle yet.

Oh and I just got blueberry cheesecake in from ICS and oob it is smelling awesome. It will burn your nose hairs just sniffing it.:yay: I can't wait to see how it does in wax!!

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Ya, i am so confused.

I was wanting to try a new Blueberry Cobbler or something similiar. The last one I had was from Bittercreek , but that is now to far to ship. (I am in GA). So I thought I would get it from Bluegrass, then I realized if I got it from Berts or CandleScience, it would be around $15 cheaper.!(for 4 -1lb bottles). The shipping is roughly the same, but the price per lb is cheaper. Then I looked@ Aroma and theirs cost even more, but said that the oils were more concentrated...therefore more oil in the long run. These are all companies with great reputations and I'm confused on how different the pricing is!

..................... I can't afford to try one from each place...

I've tried the CS Blueberry Cobbler & Blueberry Cheesecake, both were great in my 464 soy. And Bert's has a reputation on this forum for having high quality, inexpensive oils, so if expense is one of your criteria for purchasing an oil than I would say to definitely check her oils out!

And I didn't see anywhere on Aroma Haven's website where they claimed their FOs were more concentrated than anyone elses, they do state (like most of the suppliers talked about on this board) that they have high quality oils and that they are undiluted. I think one reason theirs are more expensive is that they have some really unique scents that you can't find anywhere else. I've bought a lot of AH/RE oils for testing, they have all had awesome hot/cold throw for me, and imo they're worth the extra $$ b/c I'm looking for something a little different. The more complex the scent the more ingredients therefore more $$. This is also the case with companies like DayStar.

You say that the shipping from BitterCreek is too high, have you checked shipping from BC South? They're in TX as are a lot of other great FO companies, is the shipping from TX to GA that much higher?

And like other posters have pointed out, there's no way to get away from testing any FO in your application. You can only hope that you find one that works for you right off the bat so then you can stop searching! :cheesy2:

Edited by mzpickles
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thanks all of you for your opinions. I am glad to finally understand why a "unique, complex" scent is usually higher. I am only selling scents that work out good, from here and there, in the 8oz jj for $5 or $6, so basically just paying for more testing! I am never satisfied with wicks, I have a zillion different sizes. cd's give me good enough burns( in gb464), but I search for that "perfect" burn always! lol. As I continue to gain more knowledge and experience maybe I can branch out into testing the more expensive, unique, complex scents! THANKS AGAIN FOR THE SUGGESTIONS

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