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Shrink wrap film


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We are now shrink wrapping our tarts and votives and some pillars for our wholesale accounts.

The problem that we have (besides it being a total PITA) is that once wrapped you cannot smell the scent through the shrink film.

Those of you who shrink wrap your products, do you have this same issue? If you do, how do you get around people smelling the products, and if you dont, what type of film are you using to shrink wrap with.

I have spoken to some companies here in Australia and they claim that I cannot get a film that I will be able to smell through. If that is the case, how the hell does Yank** manage to have such a strong scent coming from their shrink wrapped votives?

Advice needed and much appreciated.

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Hi Richard, don't know if it can help, I don't shrink wrap anymore (my candles and votives gets ruined by the film while it shrinks), but I used "sleeves", open at both ends, so when they shrink leave an opening at top and bottom of pillars. There are also transparent plastic caps to use, they have three little holes, so candles are protected and you can smell the scent.


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Yes we are managing to do that with our votives and the pillars that we wrap, but the problem is more with the tarts. The shops wont take them unless they are wrapped which then causes issues as the customers cant smell them.

One of the shops we supply is smart enough to order the same scents across tarts, or mini melts in tin tie bags, mini melts in jars and candles, so they can always have the customer go and sniff one of the other products in that scent.

Unfortunately most shops are not that smart and order a bit of this and a bit of that.

Markets are the same. We did a market today and despite the fact that I did actually have one unwrapped tart of each scent in each box, customers were still picking up the wrapped tarts and trying to smell them. Go figure :)



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I know there is such a shrink wrap. The company that I purchased my shrinkwrap system from has a perforated polyolefin film that you are supposed to be able to smell thru. I ordered the wrong one this time (forgot to change the drop box to perf) but I have seen/smelled products wrapped with that film at a candle convention before. I am not sure if this is something unique to this company or not but you may be able to google it to see if you can find it closer to you. Here is the company I get my supplies from:


You could also try emailing Art. He was super helpful and may be able to help you locate it in Australia so you don't have to pay to have it shipped in.

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i have also head of the preforted ones but have never used them...

i am not sabrina...but i have some sleeves..from ..


i bought some from the classies that are from this company..and really like them..

Edited by 8-GRAN-ONES
gave the wrong email address for candle sleeves
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Just a note about the perf shrink wrap. I've used it..the 60ga stuff is a SERIOUS PAIN to work with! And the 75ga I couldn't really smell anything through it, though it DID wrap better. I couldn't get the 60ga right at all, I finally gave up cause I was wasting too much wrap trying to get it right! Maybe you will have more luck, I'm the impatient type so that could be part of it too LOL

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I use a heat gun with multiple settings. It is the Wagner digital one. It has 12 possible temp settings AND a cool down mode. I just use the lowest setting that will still get the job done. Haven't had an issue yet. This is the one I have:


Hmmmm.....I'll have to check out the biodegradable wrap...he mentioned it during the demo but I didn't notice it when I reordered film.

Edited by mparadise
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when shrink wrapping be sure to let your heat gun warm up for 20 seconds at least before you start. then use it on the lowest setting and keep the thing moving.

i wrap melts, lip balms, and MP soap in shrink wrap without problems.

ETA: besides keeping the gun moving, keep it at least 6-10" from whatever you are wrapping.

Edited by CareBear
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