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lye prices rising?


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I have heard it was going up but I hadn't confirmed it yet. I called the place where I buy mine from. If it is still the same price I think I am going to buy 100# of it.

So if anyone in Michigan is looking for lye contact me. I can't ship it but they can pick it up:)

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The place I buy my lye from sent an e-mail saying that the potassium Hydroxide prices would be going up anywhere from 20 to 40% on Feb 4. I just order 10 more lbs of sodium hydroxide and it was the same price as the last time I bought some.

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I JUST got an email from a friend about a lye and potassium hydroxide supplier only 30 min away. I need to call and see what their minimum purchase is, but thats probably how I'll go from now on, hopefully prices arent going up too dramatically. A few extra cents per ounce is no big deal in the long run, but 40% would affect the bottom line for sure considering soap is my #1 product

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uh-oh I just order a bag and my supplier's supplier upped the minimum order so I told him I would take two and he wouldn't give me a price until he got it...oh I hope it hasn't doubled!!!! I was planning to sell some in the classys so if I did get a good price I will pass it on to those looking for lye.

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Well, I am going to blame the price increase on Dee since she started soaping the price of lye has gone up. LOL

I just figure the price is rising because everything else has gone up so why not lye but I honestly don't know why.

I still haven't gotten a price from where I get mine from so I am hoping it is still the same price.

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I work in the chemical industry. Lye is going up because the supply is lower right now. Chlorine is a by-product of the manufacturing process and they can't move the chlorine and only have so much space for storage.

Prices will probably go down again in the summer. It is a constant cycle of ups and downs.

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