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I found my vanilla!


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I got some vanilla voodoo from the classifieds 2 weeks ago and wow! I finally found my vanilla....Omg! what an intensifying super rich vanilla and what a throw! Just so beautiful. I did 3/4 of an ounce to 1 pound of c-3 wax. I also made up all these little melts in that scent and not even burning them but just sitting on the counter when you walk by, what a rush! I love love that scent even as expensive as it is...It is so well worth it.....


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Isn't a great feeling when you finally find "the one"?! :smiley2:

So will you be renaming it then, or does Vanilla Voodoo work with your line?

Hi Kya,

Actually I do need a name....My look is a lodgy rustic upscale look and I've been pondering what to name it. I thought of leaving it that name as it is a catchy name and people will remember it than a standard vanilla name....

Have you any suggestions? I think I'll put up another post and get ideas from people.


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Hi Trappeur,

Getting ready to order the Vanilla Voodoo and wanted to know if any other strong throwers from there while I am ordering (for C3 wax).

Also placing an order with BCN for the Sweet Potato Pecan Pie I read your review on, any other ones from there I should try?

Thanks for posting your reviews, wanting to add some new fragrances to my line and they help a lot. 1146.gif

Carmel Nut Cluster (sells great this time of year) and Green Apple from ICS (both were Snowtops) are also strong throwers in C3.

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I got some Vanilla Voodoo in a few days ago based on this thread and it is quite nice. Peak's French Vanilla is what I currently use. It's a toss up right now. I've also tested Fallen Leaves and Sultry Angel and they are both really nice too. Still playing with cure time on these. Trappeur did you let yours cure before you tested it? I asked Lychelle and she said her scents don't need to cure except for the EO scents which need a day. One thing I am finding about them so far is that they tend to rise. You can be seated and not smell them so much but when you stand up its on like Donkey Kong.



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