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Lush is going palm oil free, will you still continue to use Palm oil?


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My sister sent me this link:


about how lush is no longer using Palm oil in their products. Currently all my soaps have palm oil in them except one. Now that Lush has decided to do this I wonder if more customers will demand palm oil free soaps.

I don't have sustainable palm oil and wish I did. I'm not sure what I'll do when I run out of it as I really like my recipe which uses Palm and Palm Kernel oil.

What are your thoughts on why you use palm and will you continue to use it?

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Well I'll continue to use it. I don't use a lot of it in my recipe and if I were to pull it, not sure what I'd put in its place. After 50+ experiments of making my own recipe, I found the one that works and it has palm.

The palm has been going on for awhile. People here are more concerned if an animal gets put done humanely, but I don't find that people are really reading ingredients either.

As for PKO, well I have a lot of that which I don't care if I keep or not, but I suppose I'll hold onto some, I guess, possibly.

My thoughts: If I were in other industries, maybe I would see that big of a panic about OMG! stuff, but I'm not and I can't really let Lush set the standards for me either ... afterall, aren't they ones who don't package anything? So maybe if I were to buy there, I might get a snot ball as opposed to what I really overpaid them for.

People hop around on these issues like no tomorrow and tomorrow, it could actually be something about olive oil, coconut or something else. Is the soaping industry really responsible for an environmental change and if I take an ingredient out, will that mean that something gets saved? I'm just not a firm believer in this thought process, because something else is getting destroyed faster in its place. I guess my thought is, it's your decision and another company shouldn't determine what you do to your recipe. Gov't is different, but Lush is far from that rank.

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Thanks for your input and I agree with it. I don't want to stop using Palm as I like it in my recipe. Just hoping customers don't start asking only for this type of soap. I sell at a very picky environmentally aware market so will probably offer a castille soap so I at least have one that doesn't use palm oil for those who prefer it.

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My sister sent me this link:


I don't have sustainable palm oil and wish I did. I'm not sure what I'll do when I run out of it as I really like my recipe which uses Palm and Palm Kernel oil.

What are your thoughts on why you use palm and will you continue to use it?


why not get your palm oil from soaperschoice (columbus foods)? i wrote to mike a while back about their palm oil and he assured me that all of his palm oil suppliers are members of RSPO.

i'm not comfortable sharing his e-mail without his ok. if you'd like to see the entire e-mail, i'll write to him tonite and ask. i can't imagine he'll say no.

i was very satisfied with his response and will definitely purchase my palm oil from them.


Edited by dogmom1
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I buy my palm from soaperschoice. I'm glad they buy responsibly.

I love how Lush makes a fuss over the environmental effects of palm but leave ingredients like Sodium Laurel Sulfate and Propylene Glycol in their products. And all their lotions contain parabens. I would first worry about the integrity of the ingredients used, that are put on my customers skin, before making a big deal out of how "environmental" the company is.

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I buy my palm from soaperschoice. I'm glad they buy responsibly.

I love how Lush makes a fuss over the environmental effects of palm but leave ingredients like Sodium Laurel Sulfate and Propylene Glycol in their products. And all their lotions contain parabens. I would first worry about the integrity of the ingredients used, that are put on my customers skin, before making a big deal out of how "environmental" the company is.

I totally agree! It's all in the marketing. Consumers hear that the company is helping the environment by not using palm but they aren't aware of the problems with Sodium Laurel Sulfate and Propylene Glycol. I try to always purchase sustainable palm but I am also concerned about the ingredients mentioned above. Maybe it would help to have a pamplet for customers explaining the ingredients used in our products. In addition to Soaperschoice I believe TNS - Texas Natural Supply has sustainable palm.

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Thanks everyone for your feedback. I just wanted others perspective on this. I will check out both suppliers when I run out of what I have which will take a year at least.


I'd love to see the response if you get the okay. If not I'll wait until I order my next batch of it.

Jeanna and PurpleHippie,

Good point about the other harmful ingredients they use. Customers tend to see one thing and don't realize the rest. I had a customer go on an on about Tom's deodorant and how he uses a natural preservative. I just make a basic one that doesn't have preservative. Anywho I looked at the label in the store and Propylene Glycol is used.

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Do you like your soap without the palm? How does it compare, I made one awhile back with 85% olive and then added some coconut and shea and it's a beautiful bar.

What are you using in it's place? I know I've seen recipes online that don't include palm. Think I'll just continue with palm as I have a lot left and offer one or two palm free castille ones.

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From Scented..."My thoughts: If I were in other industries, maybe I would see that big of a panic about OMG! stuff, but I'm not and I can't really let Lush set the standards for me either ... afterall, aren't they ones who don't package anything? So maybe if I were to buy there, I might get a snot ball as opposed to what I really overpaid them for."

From TheQueen..." But I would never let Lush or any other vendor influence my ingredients list. Period."

I love these statements! I'm right there with both of you.:)

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Do you like your soap without the palm? How does it compare, I made one awhile back with 85% olive and then added some coconut and shea and it's a beautiful bar.

What are you using in it's place? I know I've seen recipes online that don't include palm. Think I'll just continue with palm as I have a lot left and offer one or two palm free castille ones.

I use RBO, Lard, PKO, CO, Babassu and Castor with silk added to the lye water. I love my recipe and would never consider adding palm. Like I said, I don't miss using palm.

(And I bet the Orangutans are thanking me)

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Lush doesn't set my policies, so I will continue to use oils I am comfortable with. I'm happy to discuss with customers, but just as with the EO/FO conundrum, the animal v vegetable fats, etc. - it's really a non-issue for most of them.

This said, I have some fabulous recipes with palm, and some without.

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Thanks everyone for your feedback. I just wanted others perspective on this. I will check out both suppliers when I run out of what I have which will take a year at least.


I'd love to see the response if you get the okay. If not I'll wait until I order my next batch of it.

i just wrote to mike, hopefully he'll respond tomorrow and i'll post his reply!


Edited by dogmom1
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I tried palm very early in my soaping career. Didn't like it much, I know I'm a minority. I love lard for my hard oil and so do my customers. I know that also makes me a minority and brings up a whole bag of other issues. Even though people here and on a lot of other forums told me to bag lard, that no one would by soap with lard in it - it sells! And it sells well. So like others said, go with what you know and what works for you!

I don't want to be lush...

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