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Should I be doing something different?

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Some people buy more pouring pots so they have one for each scent.

I don't have the room or the money for extra pouring pots so I also use lots of paper towels to clean them out between pourings. But I find it helps to keep the pot on a warm hot plate or flat griddle so I can pour off more residual wax and save my paper towels.

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I use different pour pots for each type of scent, eg floral, fruity, bakery, put them in my roaster oven after I pour to get excess wax out, and when I make several batches in a row, I do light colors first, then darker. I don't clean my pots thoroughly until I'm done for the day. I don't find that the small amount that may be in the pot affects my scents.

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I only use a few paper towels, but in the long run I feel I should own stock in them lol. If I let it get to the point of the wax getting solid, I just zap it with the heat gun and continue to wipe it out. I'm lucky though in that when I pour I have my daughter who helps me and I just hand off the pouring pot to her to clean out as we go.

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My pour pots sit in a pan. I take maximum of 2-3 paper towels to clean them out -- most of the time two. Explain why you are cleaning a broiler please.

Broiler pot. Looks like a spaghetti pot with one inside another so the water surrounds the pot...

I dunno, that's what I call it.

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No need to clean out your melting pot if it's just plain wax. I have 2 pour pots for each scent. That saves me tons in paper towels, hot water and soap...not to mention time! But, you have to have the space for 80+ pots! Mine stack, so it isn't to space consuming.

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Lots of paper towels.Never have a problem with colors left on my other candles I make or any problem with the scents. As soon as the candles are poured I wipe the pour pot clean.Never have any problems.


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I don't wipe out my double boiler either, I just dump the water and go if I don't plan on using it the next day. If I do I just leave it in and pop a cover on it. That said, I use a presto without the spigot for my double boiler (for repours & really small batches only) and 2 with spigots as my main melters. I put the pour pots in the boiler to melt everything down, pour off as much as I can then it usually only takes 1-2 papertowels to clean. During the summer I throw them in a paper bag and take them camping with us as fire starters.

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I too use a whole lot of paper towels. I put the pour pot in the oven and melt any hardened wax, then wipe it out. I take a cookie sheet and put foil over it and then put paper towels on top of the foil. I do this because sometimes I turn my pour pots upside down that way the paper towel absorbs the wax.

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I use a lot too and found some cheap ones at GFS, Gorden Food Service. Don't know if they are around you all. Regular price $5.99 for an 8 pk. at least I don't have to wait for a sale to get that price. I should try news papers, I plenty of them laying around.

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