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Do you believe THIS??!!!

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:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:RUN PIGS RUN!!!!!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

I mean, that's a VERY unhealthy HIGH cholesterol candle!! Makes me wanna take a Plavix before lighting...

If it doesn't smell like BREAKFAST, what good is it?

If the economy crashes, we may ALL be making candles like this... Gotta go practice my 5 strand braiding, just in case...

Do you HAVE to kill the pig? Couldn't we just MILK it or something? Reminds me of the TV commercial for some drug where they take a diseased aorta and squeeze goop out of it like toothpaste... *faint*

Do you think the pig would mind? Otherwise, it won't be a vegan candle...

Are the fibers organic? Are they at least all-natural?

(I WAS speechless, but I got over it!:P)

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:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:RUN PIGS RUN!!!!!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

(I WAS speechless, but I got over it!:P)

Somehow I knew you couldn't leave this one alone, Stella. I know I couldn't let this pass without a comment.

Gems that make you smile ~ like this one ~ are just too tempting, aren't they? :laugh2:

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I don't have a problem with this at all. Seriously. Candles used to be made out of every animal fat available.

I agree, if you know about the history of candlemaking, this is not out of the norn at all, at least for the 'prairie folk', lol. I wouldn't want to fool with it.


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Did anyone read the comments after the article? There is someone trying to scent hers with vanilla flavoring and cinnamon. I know people used to make candles with fat but it just seems kinda pointless now

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:laugh2: :laugh2: WOW! I cannot believe this!:shocked2: I can see maybe using the fat but not that kind of a wick! LOL! Holy moly!:shocked2: Did you check out the homemade deoderant? LOL..take a look at that one..LOL!:laugh2:

Go Stella!:yay: Your on a roll!:laugh2: Kimmeroo

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What :confused:..............You don't like my site? I was glad you found me. I been makin' bacon' candles for the taken'..................Nah, just kiddin'. That blew my mind. I can braid. Maybe horse hair for braid and bacon grease for candles will someday be what we use for light. There are some other stuff on there that is pretty cool.

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I don't have a problem with this at all. Seriously. Candles used to be made out of every animal fat available.

I guess some have never read the history of candle or soap making. Thousands of years ago, the person in the village that made the candles was the same person that made soap. This is because both were made with many of the same ingredients - with animal fats being the main one. Making candles with animal fats is nothing new.

Oh and another thing, this was predominatly a male's profession in those early years. Men made the candles and soap for their village. Women were considered too delicate and weak to be able to lift the large vats of animal fats to make soap or candles. I'm glad some things have changed. :)

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I guess some have never read the history of candle or soap making. Thousands of years ago, the person in the village that made the candles was the same person that made soap. This is because both were made with many of the same ingredients - with animal fats being the main one. Making candles with animal fats is nothing new.

Oh and another thing, this was predominatly a male's profession in those early years. Men made the candles and soap for their village. Women were considered too delicate and weak to be able to lift the large vats of animal fats to make soap or candles. I'm glad some things have changed. :)

When I first read this I was thinking that myself the first candles where not made from paraffin or soy or any of the other newer waxes out there.

Wasn't Robin the one that did a tallow candle on here a few years back. She also made some tallow soap.

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Wow... The first thing I noticed was the wick was way off center..

That is what I noticed as well lol For me, I only like the smell of bacon first thing in the morning, after that I don't want my house smelling that way so I'm not sure this type of thing would work for me. I'm also scared of grease fires because I witnessed my grandmother starting one when she left the grease on the burner and she thought she turned it off, so nope, me and this candle would not get along well at all lol

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I have no issue with it in general (historically it's sound), but does she know that's likely to generate more soot than other candles, and thus pollute the air (and then her lungs)???

Cheaper yea, but at what price? Never assume...

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After thinking about this for awhile, I actually think it's a pretty good use of animal fat. I think that if we're gonna kill the animal to eat, we should use the whole thing whenever possible. To me, it would be better to make candles from the fat than dump it in the trash. They could be burned outside in pails for safety.

DH and I are on the Atkins diet and we eat bacon quite a bit.

I may try this for sh**s and giggles


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I know it was used way back in the day by our ancestors and such....

but back then you always hear about fires starting and quickly becoming out of control.....

We have ways of making safe candles now with waxes. I cringe at the thought of non candle makers thinking "Oh that looks like fun to make!" and make a greasy candle that will possible burn their house down.

I don't know how flammable a grease candle would be, but I know throwing bacon grease on your trash pile sure does make a great fire starter, lol!!

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