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fluted candles

Pam W

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I wonder how it would look to do a rustic or mottled in the fluted mold - does anyone know? I just got two fluted molds and love them. They are so pretty. Mine are 4x4 and 4x6.5 - I did them as a set in red and they are pretty.

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I've got one in the mold now & poured at 165* - we'll see if it produces any rustic. I did some strawberry over vanilla (tilted)a while back and got a little rustic in the grooves which I didn't want on those particular candles so I hit them with the heat gun to kill it. So it is definately possible - might take a few trys to get the pouring temp just right.

I've been using 30ply wicks in these molds and get a decent mp but I wanna try 36ply to see if I can achieve self-comsumption. (that's w/1343 or Peak's straight paraffin.)

Got some nice mottle in the white layer of the green/white candle. The green was some remelt & I added the white to fill up the mold.

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I really like those scallops. Where'd you get the mold if you don't mind saying. I sometimes get tired of the regular round ones. Is your mold tin?

I posted the brown rustics in a similar mold if you want to look at it. The title is "Look I made some for me" if memory is correct.

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They look quite tall. How much wax did you use and how much would you sell them for??? I am working with a pound for each candle and just am not sure how to price them. My cost is about 3.00, but they look kinda small to ask 10.00 for. I do the layered pillars and they are very labor intensive, tho.

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Candleslh: I think I got it at either Michael's or Joann's...which means I paid too much for it but really wanted it, sooooo :tongue2:

Scentsibility: this particular mold measures 3 1/8" x 6 1/2" and if filled to the rim, it takes 1.7lbs of wax. I sold some to a friend for $9 but she ordered 6 of them so I gave her a break but to make just one for someone I'd charge more depending on the style & FO. These are all unscented so very little cost. I've only tested a couple FOs so won't be selling too many of them for a while.

Here's a pic of a couple I made yesterday - weird thing is that one mottled a bunch and the other just a little - they're from the exact same batch of wax but poured at different times of day as I have only the one mold. (unscented w/2 tablespoons of stearic)


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