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Lavender Swirl Soap


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Here is a Lavender soap I made:


This is the soap when I poured it and it's CP and I used neon oxides.


This is the soap out of the mold but want to wait until it's a big harder before I cut it. The bottom layer is purple.

I'll post cut pictures when it's ready.

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Here is the cut photo:


The funny part is my sister and I had a big fight over this soap while we were making it. She had one idea in her head and I had another. Then she started pouring and panicked and I took over. She didn't like this design at all when it was wet. Then when it dried she sheepishly said she really like it.

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Thanks for the compliment, my first one I made that I wanted to look like this was a flop and I had to rebatch it so it takes practice.

The purple bottom layer was a nightmare. I used purple oxide thinking it would look great and as I poured it into the soap it turned a greyish colour on me. My sister and I both were not happy with that so I grabbed a blue then a red liquid colourant and kept adding drops hoping it would turn out. It still didn't look purple in the pot but more of a dark burgundy grey colour.]

I'd like to find a consistent purple colour myself.

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