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Show us your work area! Picture Thread :)

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I'm in the planning process of setting up a work area for my candlemaking, and i'm interested in seeing how others have theirs setup... particularly those of you who do this as a business and have to pour a lot. Would anyone be interested in giving a small photographic shop tour showing how you have yours setup?

Thanks! :cheesy2:

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I'm in the planning process of setting up a work area for my candlemaking, and i'm interested in seeing how others have theirs setup... particularly those of you who do this as a business and have to pour a lot. Would anyone be interested in giving a small photographic shop tour showing how you have yours setup?

Thanks! :cheesy2:

Have you not ever set up any area and made candles before or are you completely new to this?

I think it is something you just have to do. Once you get to working, it will become obvious to you how you want your space set up and what works for you. It's not as intimidating or hard to figure out as you might think. :)

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Cool! Well, i came back in to check the thread and saw 2 pages of replies, and got all excited about it, and then i come in here and everyone is ashamed of their areas! lol!

Meridith: Right now i have my very small setup on one table, but it is only really good at doing small 'experiments'. I'm sure i can figure something out for my own work area, but i was just curious as to what others were doing.

Rae: I can't seem to PM on this board... when i try to view profiles, it pops up a message saying that my account doesn't have permission to do that :( weird. However, my email is john at wardind dot net if you don't mind sending some over... Thanks! :)

Scented: Thanks for your reply... But its just work-flow... it isn't like listing a scent mixture or anything... lol! No problem though... hang on to what ya got i guess... when i get mine done, i'll post up pics :)

Everyone else... no problem! I understand dirty work areas :) Its just interesting to me to see how others set their areas up, even if they're messy... lol! I wouldn't want to post a pic of what i have right this second either... its embarrasing (mostly because its practically nothing but a table with a hot plate and an aluminum pouring pot sitting on it... haha!)

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Cool! Well, i came back in to check the thread and saw 2 pages of replies, and got all excited about it, and then i come in here and everyone is ashamed of their areas! lol!

Scented: Thanks for your reply... But its just work-flow... it isn't like listing a scent mixture or anything... lol! No problem though... hang on to what ya got i guess... when i get mine done, i'll post up pics :)

It's a kitchen and what used to be a family room, not a formula. In other words, I'm like the rest. It can be messy and it can be clean, but it isn't for public viewing ;) I'd hate to get arrested or sumpfin' lol.

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I actually would like to post pictures of my work area because my dad and his friend built me the best table! My dad even wired (he's an electrician) the table so that I can plug my melters, heat gun, etc directly into where I'm working...but like everyone else, it's such a complete mess, I have no idea how I work in there. Maybe I'll actually get it organized so I can show it.

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I use my kitchen in the winter when it's too cold for the kiddo's to go outside. I have a workshop in back of the house that DH had built for me last Spring. But, he didn't have it wired up on it's own breaker, so now when I plug in pots and the heater and somebody turns on the bathroom light, I throw a breaker. So when we get our taxes back this year, I get my very own breaker. He's so tired of the kitchen being a mess.

But in my workshop, I just have two of the long banquet tables set up, I mix on one and use the other to pour. I'm sure this is similar to how others do it, but as other's have said, you'll just have to work with it to find what flows for you. I'll bet I've changed how I've set my stuff up a dozen times before I found what was the most comfortable for me. Good Luck, just start moving stuff around, you'll find your comfort zone.

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Okay, I'm going to be brave and post my area :) Hubby got tired of me taking over the kitchen, so over Christmas break, I reclaimed the "wet bar" in our living room. Thankfully we rarely have guests, so this hasn't been a problem! It is also nice because I can still be in the same room with hubby while I'm making my tarts. Since I only do a few at a time, the space is not a limitation *yet* LOL. The bar has a microwave, presto pot, and sink, plus drawers, shelves, and cabinets, which is very nice for storage. I bought some of the exercise mat stuff from home depot to put on the floor (we have concrete floors w/ no carpet so comfort was a must!). Here you see some tarts I just poured plus some that need to be labeled before I forget what scent they are LOL!

Disclaimer: I am only a hobbyist, so I don't need huge amounts of space :)


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I think you can see my pictures even if you aren't a member of facebook. Here's the link: (You should be able to click "next" and go take the mini tour :) )


It needs a good cleaning.. but who really has time? I hope to bust out a wall in the next year or so... we need more space!



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It didn't work even tho I'm a member, just shows the one picture. Cute building tho :wink2:

I think you can see my pictures even if you aren't a member of facebook. Here's the link: (You should be able to click "next" and go take the mini tour :) )


It needs a good cleaning.. but who really has time? I hope to bust out a wall in the next year or so... we need more space!



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Okay, I was afraid of that... I think it's my privacy settings on facebook. (I have a stalker/ old flame I try to keep out of my photos :)

Here ya go :)


Room Spray:


Soap making:


Candle making:


Melters & more candles


Another shot of candles & melts


Waiting for stuff to cool so we can clear the tables & go again. We pour the big tables twice a day, 3 or 4 times during the busy season.


Thats all folks :)

Have a great day!


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Cool! Well, i came back in to check the thread and saw 2 pages of replies, and got all excited about it, and then i come in here and everyone is ashamed of their areas! lol!

Meridith: Right now i have my very small setup on one table, but it is only really good at doing small 'experiments'. I'm sure i can figure something out for my own work area, but i was just curious as to what others were doing.

Thats how the madness starts! On a small table, in a small area, one cupboard, ect. LOL Then it will take over the kitchen, then a room, the garage... Its addicting. It happens to the best of us.

My work space is huge. My work tables consist of one that is 36 feet long. It is a 2 tiered table for extra storage. We also took old school doors - very large doors - and made tables on wheels for me so I can push them around to where I need them. I have 6 of those. I also have 3 industrial work benches that we got at Lowes, or Home Depot - you know one of those types of stores.

To store supplies on, I have 5 large industrial shelves where I store my butters, oils, waxes, lye, bowls, pots and pans, etc. I have smaller shelves that I use as well for curing soaps and smaller supplies.

I have a stove, sink, microwave and numerous melters. I have an area dedicated for pouring candles, one dedicated to soaping and B&B, and a couple different areas for packaging.

See how out of control it can get. lol

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