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I thought silicone bakeware was ok??


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Wow, that answers that question for me. I got one recently too. It crossed my mind to get one to make soap in. Did the soap come out besides turning pink?

I hope the color doesn't come out into the food you put in there.

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I had this happen on soap for DH. I told him it was purely cosmetic and made him use it (I know, I'm a bully). It washed right off.

If it's for your own personal use, rinse it and ignore. DH's skin hasn't fallen off (yet).

I do the same thing to my DH. He gets everything that I can't stand. He lost his sense of smell in a car accident years ago and so he doesn't have a clue what my soaps smell like, or anything else for that matter. So he always has "his" soap in the shower and then I have mine, and mine smell really nice. I do love him.........really.........but I hate throwing out soap just cause it doesn't smell so great :grin2:

BTW, I have a blue one I got at bath body and beyond and I see no problem with it, but I only do M&P.

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Do you think you just got a "bad" mold?? I wonder if you soak it in something (a little bleach and water) for a bit if that would help. I use a red one too for M&P though, that I got from Walmart and have had no problems (knock on wood). They're supposed to w/stand 500 degrees (or at least the one I have is). That's too bad as soap come out so easy, what process are you using, how hot/warm do you pour? or I wonder if its a reaction to an ingredient- I'm rambling, that's just weird that did that. Wonder if you and Jeana have the same brand (and that's the problem?) Either way sounds like a pan that should have a recall on it because like you said can you image what it does to food :tongue2:

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