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cutting wcks


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I am having trouble cutting my wicks after the candle is poured. I have used the wick cutter from BC, but it takes to long. So I just use a scissors. In order to cut the wick so it is not cut at an angle I bend the wick over just a bit and snip it, but this makes the wax pull away from the wick and crumble a bit around where the wax meets the wick...then I have to heat gun or press with my finger...it is becoming a pain. What do you all use to cut your wicks? I am cutting CD 14 and CD16 and they are kinda thick.

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Not sure if I understand this correctly.

I save the rest of the wick and put back in the bag to put a wick tab on and reuse if I can.

If this is not what you mean, then I will try again.

To clip the wick I take it out of the clothes pin and grab the toenail clippers and slip them around the wick, where I want to clip it. The rest of the wick is usually, some slid between the 2 metal pieces and some either standing straight up or hanging over the jar. And just squeeze.

I hope this makes some since, if not let me know and I will take a picture for you.


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Toenail clipper here as well! I wait until my candles have completely cooled then clip it. That way I don't move my jars more than I have to (usually not at all) I put them in a ziploc bag (hate to waste stuff) but have yet to ever use them for something. Some day a use for them will come along, maybe.

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It seems I get some mushrooming when I have the wick cut at a slant. That is why I want it cut straight across. I think I get how to clip them with the toenail clippers....it sounds simple....but when I go to do it I feel all clumsy. I have always used scissors so it feels weird to do it any other way. I just poured 900 candles and am down to my last 100 and finally got fed up with the slanted wick thing and trying to clip that point off. I wish I would have asked sooner! Oh well, now I know...thanks everyone for all your help!

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After buying NUMEROUS products to cut wicks and NOTHING worked wonderfully, easily and consistently.....I went and bought some thin nosed wire cutters.

They cut perfectly, easy to handle, super sharp (so no fraying)....and to boot they cost me $5 at the market in the tool section.

One of my BEST buys yet.



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