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fishy email?

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I received this email and I'm afraid to respond to it because for some reason the mastercard statement at the end tells me that this could possibly be fraud. Anyone have any thoughts? I have not responded to this and probably won't. For one....how did he get my email and if he got it off my website then he would know whether or not I carried the product and 2 he didn't mention quantity and then the mc statment too.

Hello Sir/Madam

My name is Mr. Mark Williams and i will like to order some of your product. If you do carry them, i would really appreciate it alot if you could send me an email reply back with a price for white Candle in size of 4.1/2” x ½”.,.. As soon as i have the price, i can give you the quantity i want. Also let me know if you take master card for payment as that is the only method of payment i can offer. I will be awaiting for your reply back the soonest.



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Yes I can track my information. All my products are listed or shown on my website and my contact information is there. I have a suspicion more than one person got this email because on the address line it had another person's email as well but mine was not shown so I'm ignoring it.

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I wouldn't respond but make sure you check the IP address and check it's location. My bet is Africa or China.

Also, candles that are 4.5 x 1/2 are so mass produced that they are way cheaper from non crafters. It can't possibly be real.

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I recieved an email over the weekend from some foreign guy named Alibaba blicka blick ,or something like that. anyhow, he rambled on about someone being held in another country and they needed to transfer 25 million into my account,and have me exchange into US funds. After I finished laughing hysterically, I deleted it. I wanted so badly to send my reply-"get bent", but decided it was best not to :grin2:

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After getting three to four emails like that daily for almost a year now, I kind of broke down last week and replied to one of them. I told them to go steal from someone else. Funny thing, I honestly haven't gotten any since then...Kinda makes you wonder.....

LOL I probably jinxed myself!:lipsrseal

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  • 1 month later...

I got one yesterday from Brandon Tan and wanted an item on my website and was going to be shipped to South Korea. He said his

shipping company would pick up order at my place. I answered him twice, but think I will ignore it now. Anybody else hear from

Brandon Tan?


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I got one yesterday from Brandon Tan and wanted an item on my website and was going to be shipped to South Korea. He said his

shipping company would pick up order at my place. I answered him twice, but think I will ignore it now. Anybody else hear from

Brandon Tan?


Doesn't the South Korea part and his shipping company coming to your "place" smell like a scam? Why would you respond to that? Yes, I would ignore this Brandon Tan now.

And don't answer his cousin Landon Sunburn either.

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