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And the Ugly Soap Award goes to.... (may be too graphic for some)


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.....ME! <applause, applause> Yeah! I won!! WOOT!!! I'd like to dedicate this award to Louise, who didn't think I had it in me.

!Due to some graphic content, viewer discretion is advised!

Yes, I know what happened. No, it wasn't intentional. It was an experiment of sorts....but dayum, I thought I would just get some fugly soap out of it.....I don't even think this baby is gonna get cut....STRAIGHT to the trash can (after DH gets a good guffaw).

Here we have the top of the log....notice the interesting cracks and caves. My son looked at the top this morning and said it looked like someone's brain. Nice.


And here we have the underside of the log. Yes, it DOES look like an open, festering wound. I have no idea where the pink/red came from. I used green and purple colors. BUAHAHA. It was almost enough to make me toss my cookies this morning.


On a good note....now I know what NOT to do. It does smell good though.....AH/RE Lavender, Apples & Oak.

And that concludes our broadcast day.


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:cry2: Oh!! Angel I am so sorry :embarasse I was trying to tell her how I got my milk HP soaps so smooth I add my sodium Lactate right after the lye water and then stick blend until hard trace turn on the crockpot and check every 15 minutes I try not to get my cooked soap over 200 when adding the goats milk paste or it will turn orange. After I see that it has turned applesauce or gell stage I pull it out of the pot and wait until it is 175 degrees before adding the paste.

I guess we had a misunderstanding and she only cooked until 175 degrees. Please don't give up and try this again.

:cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:


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Holy crackalackin!! Well, that certainly puts my "sore that just won't heal" soap to shame.

You are now officially the Queen of the Oozing Sore Soap, my dear, lmbo! Here are your crown and your flowers.




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Oh my, I do think that soaps looks a bit challenged. lol The festering wound really adds to the soap's overall look and presentation too. lol Yeppers I think I too would put that soap out of its misery.

I think all of us have made our version of this soap at some time or other. I think perhaps that you are not a true soaper until you give birth to a truly fugly soap and you get lye on you and get to experience lye itchies while soaping.

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Wow. Well I know what the itchies are. Did that first soaping. Very strange sensation. No idea what this is though and sorry to see this happened. I had to look though. I want to know what I can expect if a batch does something weird. Learning experience. Can't you just put it back in the crock and melt it again? The colors are so light, you can still make colors of them if you wanted to I'd think? I looked at the first picture and thought those colors are so pretty. Was going to say why not just cut the bad away, then I saw the back part. :(

Those colors really look beautiful though. If the mixture went as expected, it would have been beautiful! :)

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I opened this thinking “no way… I know I’ve made the ugliest soap!”… But I bow to you. That is even uglier than my first attempt for the whacky whiffs swap (which was seeping lye water so went straight to the trash). That is the ugliest soap I’ve ever seen!

Congrats on being able to laugh at yourself…

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OMG, Grandma...if I hadn't learned to laugh at myself a long time ago, I'd surely be in the looney bin.

Louise....I'll take your crown and flowers!

Barbara had it right.....I was playing with trying to make my HP pretty and smooth like hers and Soapfreak's......I got the directions a little confused and then went off half cocked before waiting for clarification. Barbara...hon....if this is the only soap I ever throw away, I'd consider myself truly blessed. No worries....that's why I didn't use an expensive FO. :D Tomorrow is another day and we WILL soap tomorrow.

I thought about chunking it back into the crockpot and finishing it off....but I'm scared to. LOL. Especially since it has goatsmilk powder in it. EW. ROFL.

You know...if I was trying to make soap look like this for Halloween or something, I couldn't do it to save my life. BUAHAHAHAHA.

<snicker> Back to class I go.


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OMG!!! I don't even make soap, but even I can tell that is one scary soap. Thanks for the play by play, you did an excellent job, maybe you should think about hanging up the soap and going into TV :laugh2:

Anyway, thanks for the laugh of the day :D

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I saved this one to remind myself how bad it can be. I think that this one was in 2004. I know that it was summer and this batch overheated badly. The goo was a total surprise.

Believe it or not, I let it sit for a few days; it rebatched beautifully, lathered like a mo fo and was all sold years ago.

Here's your competition:


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