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Turkey Fryer...WOWZA!!

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okay so I am finding the stainless steel one and then the ones like the presto pot look but with the vavle ect. Of course I love the stainless steel one

but it is also more, does the other one work just as good? and what about the ones with the ditgal temp knob on the back?

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I ordered the black one but they were out so they sub the stainless steel at no extra charge:yay: The digital temp on back will be at top and it works real good. I was concerned about it getting to hot but at 200 it never went over that. I think it sorta cooled a little bit from that which was what I wanted. The only lower temp I could get was 175 I think and for my paraffin that was to low.

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Just wanted to add, sometimes right after the holidays are over you can get them a little cheaper than you find them right now. I got mine in Feb I think it was and I paid right at 80 dollars for it, but some found them at places like Linens and Things for much less than I paid for mine even.

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My daughter found one last year or was it early this year? On clearance at KMart $17.00, only one they had. At the same time I was at another KMart and they had plenty but not even marked down at all. I was so pissed, the clerk wouldn't even get them down from the 20 ft. shelf they were on. She could have at least checked. So now I have a spare till I get some more room to work in....

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if the heating element is sitting in the base of the pot, I do understand that it needs to be covered with molten wax before you turn the pot on but

a) when you release the wax from the spout, can it go below the coils without you noticing and cause them to burn out. Also, is the spout a good one? I've got a presto with a spout but it's a ball valve and the wax does not come out very neatly -it sprays all over the place.


B) once you turn the fryer off, wax shrinks when it cools - will this shrinking of wax all around the coil/heating element damage it in some way? In particular pillar wax shrinks a lot so does it cause unnatural stresses on the coils or not?

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Natty Cat - You can see everything inside the pot and you can see when the level gets low, just add some more wax. This can be the chunks also, it doesn't have to be melted. The spout pours very good, and yes, better than my presto even though presto spout does not spew. Just slower than spout on turkey fryer. Even if it does shrink I think you can tell good enough (hear the southerness!) if it will be to low or not. I really love mine. Though today I am using my presto. Not much in pouring mood but got to get several different scents poured:shocked2:

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what i was actually asking was whether the wax contracting and shrinking could damage the coils because as the wax cools and shrinks it will basically be squeezing the coils really hard, and I'm wondering if, over time, this continual shrinking of the wax around the element will damage it in some way?


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  • 2 months later...

I'm bringing this up again as I've been looking into getting one. I've also seen that these tend to not work as described from opinion sites. Everyone that has gotten one hasn't had any problems? It's quite an investment to make especially when reading people can't even get it to work one time.

And I can't seem to find turkey fryers on Linens n Things. Does anyone know if they're still available there? The cheapest I've found so far is $119 for the black version from Amazon.

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Haven't looked for one this year. Last year, JC Penny's, Linens n Things, Bed Bath and Beyond, K Mart and WalMart all had them. But the deep frying turkeys might have been more popular then. This would be a good time to look as they will have them marked down.

And I haven't read of anyone on this board that has had trouble with them. Might have been an isolated thing.


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I've had mine for awhile now and experienced no problems. The spout is above the level of the coils, so I can't empty enough to expose them.

I think that maybe if you were using a really hard wax there could be some potential for "squeezing" the coils, but I use a mix of soy and 4630 -- the wax is just too soft, even when set up, to put stress on the coils.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK I got my black masterbuilt 28qt turkey fryer today woooo hoooo!

I was told that I could just put my flaked soy straight in and turn it on, well when I did that it started smoking and cut itself off. So I am now gonna fill a presto pot with wax, melt it and fill the turkey fryer up with molten wax before I do anything.

However, my question is - seeing as it smoked and switched off when I used raw wax flakes, what happens when I turn the machine off overnight filled with wax and want to use it the next day? It will have solid wax in it, not molten wax - so won't it start to smoke again because it's touching plain wax? I read in this thread that you shouldn't put unmelted soy in it as it will burn - won't it burn my wax tomorrow?

Do I need to keep it turned on the whole time so that the wax is always molten or do I have to empty it out every night (pain in the ass)

Sorry for all the questions - if you have a turkey fryer and know what I should be doing please help!


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I use paraffin Natty and I just turn if off when I am through. The coils are coated I suppose so the solid wax does not hurt them. Would be lost without it now. Would love to have another one but with my 3 presto pots and turkey fryer space is sorta tight.:smiley2:

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