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FYI: Bad experience with large FO company, want to protect you


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Ack! It's baaaaaack! I actually didn't check the biz board for like a month because I was so nervous about seeing the responses on this post.

maryann - the deal ended at the point that I told Deborah that I was very unimpressed that she was going to start selling the FO to all her customers, and she responded that she would pull the FO from the line and not resell it.

scentbyspirit - I actually had no clue about IFT until someone PMed me on this post and let me know about it! I did end up getting in touch with them, and I got a sample of the same stuff that I got from NG in the first place, so I'm just ordering from them and cutting out the middleman.

And guys - I'd like to reiterate that I absolutely take responsibility for speaking about the idea in the first place, without taking steps to ensure that it would be a private discussion - I did specifically state that I wanted to find this scent to carry it exclusively. In fact, all I initially wanted were a few suggestions about which FOs to mix to achieve the desired scent, and when I was offered a chance to take the idea to a pro perfumist, I thought it was a wonderful favor.

I absolutely, completely and transparently ONLY posted this to air the facts, so that other entreprenuers who are not entirely business-saavy, like me, were able to learn from my mistakes. While I do disagree with Deborah's decision to then subsequently sell the FO to all her customers, my main motiviation was to share my experience in the hopes that others would not make the same mistakes I did.

Now, if I don't come back to answer any more questions, I hope y'all understand...it is horrifyingly contrary to my nature to create or participate in conflict, and it literally makes my stomach nauseated to imagine the responses, so I'm stepping out - I hope this helped someone.

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I personally think its pretty shi**y that folks are dogging you for making an honest mistake. I'd love to hear some of their mistakes that they made and then hear their feelings all about hindsight and those "should of, would of and could of's". I appreciate you sharing this experience with others so as to help it not happen to anyone else. I'll bet others on the board have had their not so proud moments that a little bit of that hindsight might have helped them out. Seems some folks would never have the guts to admit that they aren't perfect and make mistakes. I too am not a stupid person but am not always educated in certain areas and have to learn from my mistakes. How wonderful it is that there are folks on this board that have all those smarts to NEVER make a mistake and never have to live with those awful "should of, would of and could of's". That's bad enough now isn't it w/out getting beat up over our mistakes too. But, I am even more thankful that I am not a person that beats folks up when they do make mistakes. However, it's nice to hear some of the words of compassion and the great ideas that some folks gave you. I for one thank you for this advice/words of caution and wish you well. :)

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Ahhhh well, I think this is a good thread, a learning experience for us all, although, some of what was said may have sounded negative, the printed word, doesn't really express the emotion, so to say, behind the words. It is a learning curve for all of us, and I think most of what what written was written with good intentions and good advice, we could all come to the board for advice on issues like these.

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That's bad enough now isn't it w/out getting beat up over our mistakes too. But, I am even more thankful that I am not a person that beats folks up when they do make mistakes.
I think it would have made a big difference if the original post didn't unfairly cast aspersion on NG. I understand that might have been a natural reaction from an emotional point of view but it shifted the tone of the original message from purely "I made a mistake" a little bit more towards "I was screwed" and I think that's partly what people were reacting to. I know I was.
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I think it would have made a big difference if the original post didn't unfairly cast aspersion on NG. I understand that might have been a natural reaction from an emotional point of view but it shifted the tone of the original message from purely "I made a mistake" a little bit more towards "I was screwed" and I think that's partly what people were reacting to. I know I was.

I have only been posting here for a couple of days and was interested in reading this thread, but I have to say that your replies were only rude and hope everyone here is not like you

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I have only been posting here for a couple of days and was interested in reading this thread, but I have to say that your replies were only rude and hope everyone here is not like you

Well LM~ hate to tell you but that reply was somewhat mild as compared to what it *could* have been. Perhaps it has something to do with your interpretation. To each their own, so to speak.

Oh and BTW, welcome to the board.

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Well LM~ hate to tell you but that reply was somewhat mild as compared to what it *could* have been. Perhaps it has something to do with your interpretation. To each their own, so to speak.

Oh and BTW, welcome to the board.


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Hi guys,

Been away for awhile.

Sorry about the mishap. :mad:

When you enjoy being creative it is hard to let something go before you have had a chance to enjoy the glory first.

Thank you for sharing. I have been wondering how the ball bounces with all of the FOs around. :tiptoe:

What I mean is how and where these FOs emerge from :cool2:

I am curious how many real perfumers are out there the true manufactures.

Hey it is great to be back on the threads,

been busy


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Well, the title of this thread seems rather unfair. You handled your own interests poorly and are now suggesting that the supplier is unscrupulous because you blurted out the name of a flower and they want to carry the scent.

Top I couldn't agree with you more.

I've had at least 2 scents of mine duped by different suppliers and never would I assume they would have to only sell to me. They are doing all the work and you want to take all the credit. That's not how business works. If you were truly a business person you would know to ask a hell of a lot of questions before you give someone else your idea. This should be no way influence someone against NG. They are professional businessess people. I have never had a bad experience with any of their personnel or products. If you have a good idea for a scent there are rules and proper procedures you need to follow. This type of blaming NG is like neebees coming on here and asking what wax, what wick, what color, what supplier, what sells best. Do like the rest of us did....go thru the school of hard knocks and learn for yourself.read books, do tons of searches, it's okay to ask questions but don't expect everyone to just hand over their years of experience on a silver platter, state what you've tried and then ask for advise......you'll be a better business person and better chandler.

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I think we need to delete this post- Danie has already stated her side, and there's no point in re-iterating everything that has already been said. Yes, she chose a poor title for this post because instead of having other people learn from her mistakes, now she is having people criticize her, and that's not what her aim was. So, let's get on with our lives and stop taking unnecessary offense to this post.

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I think we need to delete this post- Danie has already stated her side, and there's no point in re-iterating everything that has already been said. Yes, she chose a poor title for this post because instead of having other people learn from her mistakes, now she is having people criticize her, and that's not what her aim was. So, let's get on with our lives and stop taking unnecessary offense to this post.

Spellkast -- You stated that very well

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I REALLY am sorry for bringing this up again as people can be nasty. This is the only touchy thread I think I've ever posted too. I thought that enough time would have past that people would not keep slamming someone who is new to this whole "Having an FO Tested Thing". I learned, next time I'll pm ya:yes: I would have done the same thing every step of the way that Danielle did... I stuck my neck out (like you D) so start stepping away people :D.

To be masters at everything we do for the first time must be nice.... OK now start stepping away.

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I REALLY am sorry for bringing this up again as people can be nasty. This is the only touchy thread I think I've ever posted too. I thought that enough time would have past that people would not keep slamming someone who is new to this whole "Having an FO Tested Thing". I learned, next time I'll pm ya:yes: I would have done the same thing every step of the way that Danielle did... I stuck my neck out (like you D) so start stepping away people :D.

To be masters at everything we do for the first time must be nice.... OK now start stepping away.

Well said!!!

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I like the Aaakkk!!! Its BACK!!! Sorry that this has had such a negative turn. Sometimes you don't know how things are going to impact people until you throw it out there. I bet it makes you alot more leary about sharing your opinions. Personally, I appreciate knowing things like this so that I can learn from them. I will draw my own conclusion with out casting any judgements. I am sure that yourself and the ladies from NG are fine outstanding people. Unfortunately this has just taken on a life of its own. (and I'm not helping it. LOL) My best advise would be to take it with a grain of salt and learn from it. Happy New Year!!!

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You also have to take into account that regardless if you did have this scent created personally for your business, that same oil mfg., will probably take that oil, tweek the name and resell as something else. Look at "Yankee", do you not think they get their oils specifically mfg., for them and a couple of months down the road, BAM, there's a "DUPE" out there for all of us to purchase. Yankee has a new Rice Milk candle, smells wonderful, but can't find the oil anywhere. I know of a supplier that has an oil that is bang on to it but it's called something else. I also mentioned it to RA and they might consider mfg. it soon.

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I have only been posting here for a couple of days and was interested in reading this thread, but I have to say that your replies were only rude and hope everyone here is not like you

And there was NOTHING rude about your post huh?

Top seems as though you have a role model :wink2:

On the thread, I agree with you Top, I dont understand why some peeps get so pissy. I mean the thread DID start off in a tone derogetory toward NG. IT was not a learn from my mistake thread.

Dani, has come back to correct that, but I dont see why everyone is so upset about everyone else taking it the way it came out originally.

Ugggh you peeps confuse me :tongue2:

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The good thing is that I'm growing into a big girl really fast, apparently! A year (heck, two months) ago, the responses would have sent me into my bedroom, sobbing, with the covers over my head. Now, I can handle it and learn from my mistakes, and also learn about communicating more effectively.

To answer the assertions of unfairness in the OP, I have to say this: absolutely I made a mistake. I have no qualms about accepting that I should never have spoken the idea aloud to a person in the same business as I am in. However, I still stand by my conviction that what Deborah did was wrong. That's her business, and now that time was gone by, I am no longer angry and feeling betrayed. We all make mistakes. At the time I posted, I was very angry, and I'm sure that much of that emotion found its way into what I intended to be a factual and informational post. If I were to post the same story today, I think it would look much different. Again, I believe there was cupability on both sides - we both should have handled it differently, IMO.

Maryann, no need to apologize, sweetheart. You did nothing wrong! Big girls have to be willing to take their lumps for their actions - I chose to post, I have to live with the post coming back to life, LOL! And those precious soaps you made Henry made up for anything you could ever do. :)

Let me also add to all who have posted in understanding - I appreciate your grace and kindness, I am thankful for your ability to see past my emotion in the post and answer in an accepting manner. I truly appreciate that.

And those who have disagreed with my post or my assertions - I respect those viewpoints, and while I would prefer that we would always disagree in a kind and thoughtful manner, I have learned from your thoughts and you, in part, are contributing, as we speak, to my growth and maturity as a businesswoman, helping me develop a tougher skin!

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