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FYI: Bad experience with large FO company, want to protect you


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I am sure this has been so hard for you...

I have learned alot from this post regarding what to do and not to do if you want to have a FO made for you.

This board is for posting, good and bad and learning from it. Each of us has our on opinions on suppliers, business, products, and personally I like to hear them both.

I use a lot of Natures Garden products, and your origional post did not change my mind about them. I think they are a great supplier.

Your your post did teach me a valuable business lesson. Thank you!

I am not taking either side of this situation, but I don't want daneidb to disappear from this board either.

I am sure we all have written things that we wish we did not..

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I just want to say I don't see anything wrong with the title of this topic. This individual has, in her opinion endured a bad experience. She has learned from it, and I'm sure has enlightened many of us by now not to do the same thing.

I want to point out though, that no one has questioned the ethics of NG. Am I the only one who sees that Daniedb basically performed the services of an employee by providing creative inspiration for them? There are companies that employ people whose job it is, is to come up with fragrance ideas. You can be a chemist and come up with the right combination of materials to make a fragrance, but that doesn't mean you have the vision, or creativity to come up with the idea for a particular scent.

How do you think Bath & Body Works, or Avon comes up with all of their new stuff? They have teams of people (their own, or contracted out) dedicated to coming up with new fragrance concepts. They are paid professionals, folks. Daniedb did it for free.

So, it seems to me that, although Daniedb may have been naive in her dealings with NG, the very least NG, or ANY OTHER fragrance supplier who uses a customer suggestion to create a fragrance and sells it as their own could do, is to give a free pound of oil to the person who suggested it, since the company stands to make a heck of a lot of money off of it.

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....Let me also add to all who have posted in understanding - I appreciate your grace and kindness, I am thankful for your ability to see past my emotion in the post and answer in an accepting manner. I truly appreciate that.

And those who have disagreed with my post or my assertions - I respect those viewpoints, and while I would prefer that we would always disagree in a kind and thoughtful manner, I have learned from your thoughts and you, in part, are contributing, as we speak, to my growth and maturity as a businesswoman, helping me develop a tougher skin!

Danielle, I found your January 2, 2006 12:00 PM post refreshing. In a hot topic tread, some people forget that opinions are opinions...not judgements about the person posting.

Hope you find a source for 'mountain laurel' FO,


ps-one line fast replys always sound a bit terse....my 2¢.

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Danie, I am glad you are not sobbing about it. A tougher skin is definately a MUST with any buisness that is to be run. Do you ever see anyone on "The Apprentice" who is not a toughie? I am glad you are looking at this situation like that. :)

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