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I'm so excited to debut these, you have no idea. The only thing is that they take FOREVER to make. I make each 'bag' by hand. Cut, fold, apply cello, etc. While I love how they look, I'm worried people aren't going to want to pay for my construction of the packaging instead of the actual melts inside. What do you girls/guys think?


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So professional!!! I don't know what you are going to charge for them, but maybe it would make sense to make a larger package and sell several ounces of tarts in it? that way you would be making fewer packages and people would be willing to pay more for more, KWIM?

Great job!!

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Oh gosh, thanks so much for all the positive feedback!

I weigh the stars and I'm able to squeeze in 5-6 of these star shapes in there and it's with palm wax which last quite awhile! But, I don't have to tell you now do I? ;) haha

Anyhow, I did some pricing and figured I'd have to price these at $3.25 and that's just for cost of product and labor to make the 'bag' (not even sure what to call it yet) -- no profit per se.

I've been looking at how others are packaging their tarts and it's normally in the clamshell for about a little over 3 ozs. I was just hoping that the packaging might entice the buyer as well. ;) Again, thanks for all the feedback! You're all so wonderful!

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If you're saying you'd sell them for $3.25, that's way cheap. The minimum I would charge for 3 oz of palm tarts in those bags is $6.00,and if they weigh more, I'd charge more. I charge $3-3.50 for my soy clamshells which don't even have 3 oz of wax, no color and cost me around .70 to make. Remember you can always put them on "sale" but it's really hard to raise prices without hearing about it!

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I'm an absolute junkie for great packaging ... guess it's the old theory of 'perception is reality'. I don't buy or make melts, so I may not be a good judge, but I think the price sounds low. You have a lot of work in those & if it's a good product, it will sell. I know it all breaks down to the market, but I'm selling 3oz votives for $3.00, & really think you can go higher.


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You should also think about how you would feel if someone ordered 100 bags tomorrow...what would be worth it to you to sit and make a 100 bags...you need to calculate your time in making them to see if it is worth it and test sell them at a cost that you can live with because to put that much work into something to only make a few cents...doesn't make sense :D So jack that price up and test them to see how they sell! Very nice!!

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Wow -- for real? I was thinking $3.25 was high! haha

Though, I've also thought about how long just one of these things last. It IS palm after all. My votives last for 18 hours alone and I'm selling those at 6.50 for 4 of them!

I'm really interested in this whole pricing thing because I DO have a craft fair next weekend. Those who are telling me to raise my prices do realize that this package is only one ounce right?

Loving all the feedback, if you've got more, I'd love to hear it!

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