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Anyone heard of Scent Intense?

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  • 7 months later...

I saw the scent intense on ebay too and was very curious. I searched on the internet and asked some candle suppliers. I can't find anything out about it at all. Just wondered if you found out anything else.

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She says she has made candles for 10+ years and decided to share her secret with this scent intense. That is automatically very curious. If you had the best candles ever, would you share your secret? She is also selling "the best wax ever" with no mention of what kind of wax except the melt point.

Why don't you email her and ask exactly what it is?

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It's yellow, yeah curiosity got the best of me. I emailed her and asked if it was beeswax , actually i've emailed her a few times asking just to bug her and she won't answer me. When I bought it her description said use 1% per pound, now it says use 1 disc per pound, one of the disks is about 1.6 oz, I believe. I tried it with 6006, but only at 1% per pound and didn't notice much except it seemed to make the wax harder, and make it shrink more. I tried it at 3% per pound and it seemed to me at the time, it made the candle smoke more, I've not tried it since. I still have some of these discs sitting in my little box so if a couple of ya'll want to look at one and see what you think it is, pm me and I'll send you a disc to check out.

I might add that a couple of weeks ago I went back through her feedback and emailed 4 people who had bought this stuff from her and asked them if it worked, 1 said no, it made no difference, 2 said yes it made their candles smell better and one said it might have helped a little.

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I emailed the lady too and asked exactly what it was and she wouldn't say. She just said it was something she'd used for 10 years. It's really got me curious since no candle supplier has the slightest idea what I"m talking about when I ask them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

shafferbuns was kind enough to send me a sample of the scent intense stuff so here's a photo. Some have speculated that it's beeswax but it doesn't have even slightest beeswax odor and the texture is hard and plastic-like. To me it seems like microcrystalline wax, or micro mixed with something.


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