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Dye Prefrences

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FYI - Color chips is powder dye in a wax chip which is easier for us small pourers than the powder. Powder Dye I have found is hard to control in small batches.

I find I get better results with chips with most colors. As for black I find the chips only give you a dark purpleish color so I use Liquid Dye for black.

With the chips I find there is alot of sedement from the powder pigment so I heat the color first to melt all those specks then add the wax.

For me liquid red takes way to much to acheive a nice red comparied to the chips.

IMO - Try them all and see which you like better. Like I said above some work better for some colors than others.

Candle Man

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I have to agree w/ candleman. I switched from blocks or chips to liquid dyes because of the sediment that was being left at the bottom of my pour pot. I would ALWAYS end up w/ a few specks in an otherwise good-looking candle. Now when I need a ligther color than the single drop, I scrape a toothpick along the eyedropper and mix it in the wax. I also poured plain wax into the bottom of a votive cup (about 1 ounce) and then added a single drop of the liquid dye. If I need an in-betweenie color I just scrape from the colored wax chunk. Because it was originally liquid, it blends very well. HTH

Oh and my dyes are Peak...

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I love liquid dyes, especially for my pillars. I like the chips for my containers because I can keep a more consistent color batch to batch, but pretty much only use liquid now. It's cheaper and lasts longer.

For me liquid red takes way to much to acheive a nice red comparied to the chips.

Add a drop or two of orange! Works wonders to get a true red and not use 40 drops of it. LOL

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I guess this thread is close enough for a question that's been lurking in my mind...

Powder dye is pure dye.

Color blocks and chips are dye in a stearic base.

Liquid color is dye in a solvent base.

What is the base for dye flakes? What are those made of exactly?

I use powder dyes, the flakes to me look like the same base as the blocks, just in flake form. Same finish, look and feel to me. Bruce

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I like the liquid dyes. They color great and are easy to use. I only buy the ones with a medicine-dropper type of cap. That way, there aren't any spills. I get mine from Lonestar.

was I ever glad when WSP went to these caps... the other ones they had STUNK and leaked everywhere even seeped out of being wrapped in papertowels and ziplocked!!, ask me about the 500 or so dark blue wicks I own:cry2:

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