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Signs of a True Addiction....


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I know we all have shown signs of being truly obsessed with our craft. Many of us in reflects in the number of pretty amber bottles that smell absolutely amazing (all you FOHOs know who you are!!!). Or the sheer number of soap molds overtaking your kitchen cabinets, or the soaps curing in every nook and cranny in the house.

We squirrel away money out of our grocery fund to buy oils. We bribe the UPS guy to hide our boxes in the bushes so our husbands won't find them.

I did something new this morning that I just had to confess...

I stole the battery out of the smoke detector so I could keep making lotions.

Hello, my name is Lindsay and I'm an addict. It started four years ago when my last pregnancy caused me to become allergic to mineral oil. Since then I have become addicted to all thing emollient, moisturizing, colorful and fragrant. I have not been able to break this addiction, and have no desire to.

What have you done in the name of addiction?

Come on, fess up! I know you all have done something!!!

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I'm fairly sure I posted this on the whisk so I apologize if any of you have read it!

I live just shy of an hour away from Brambleberry's storefront, Otion Soaps. They sell pretty much everything that's on the site at wholesale. They just had to open up a store because everyone was stopping by the warehouse and disrupting the flow of the online business. It's pretty cool there, I've chatted with Anne Marie personally several times and it's always a blast to sit at the sniffy bar and try before I buy.

Now that I have you green with envy....

This spring I went up there with one very specific essential item in mind - Sodium Hydroxide. Yes, the mighty lye - the necessity of all CP soap makers. I was totally out and had TONS of soaping plans. I hadn't soaped in about 6 weeks and was having withdrawals. I had grown accustomed to heading there and getting a couple 10 pound jars and some new FO's of course! (Nowadays I have to special order it 50 pounds at a time!) I go in and say, "I would like 2 10 lb jars of lye please. "Sorry we are out. We are having problems with our distributor. We may have some by next week"....

I think my head may have spun around with steam coming out of my ears. I heard myself say, "What do you mean you don't have lye? I need lye! How can a soaping supply store be out of lye!" :shocked2: The poor gal began explaining the problem but all I could hear was, "Sorry, we are out" So I ordered some to be picked up the next week, paid and left.

But it the meantime I wanted to soap, NOW! In the skagit valley I have searched fruitlessly for roebic so I began to drive to Bellingham's Lowes muttering under my breath, "Don't have lye, what kind of a business are they running anyway? I need to make soap yesterday. Lowe's better have it or I don't know what I'll do..." I went into Lowes straight to the Drain cleaner and there on the top shelf was Roebic crystal drain cleaner 100% sodium hydroxide! Can you hear the angels singing? I quickly grabbed four as if there were a mob of people surrounding me to get at them. I'm fairly sure I was shaking by the time I got to the register. I'm sure I looked like a meth addict. But probably because I am such a fatty they new I couldn't possibly be an addict so they let me buy it :grin2: ! I remember saying, "Its for soap. I'm so glad you have this. Really so glad."

By the time I got to the car all was right with my world.

My name is Bethany and I'm a soapaholic. I refuse to get on the wagon, ever. No one can stop me...


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Signs of My Addiction:

When you stay at the sink for almost an hour trying and testing soap scrap balls to see all the pretty, bubbly, lather..... then you wonder the next day... why is the skin on my hands peeling?

When DH starts complaining that there's too many bars of soap in the shower.... (he's such a whiny baby) And then I need to explain to him every bar of soap in the shower has a purpose. This bar for my face, this bar to shave my legs... this bar to exfoiliate.... Oh... and this bar I'm testing lather.... this bar I'm testing scent..... He just doesn't understand me. :grin2:

He doesn't appreciate the fineness and goodness of a REAL bar of soap.

When you have bars of soap curing in every nook and cranny in the house... and then you finally realize... Hey! I have to slow down... no more room for curing... then you turn around and do three more batches of soap.

When DH looks at me funny while grocery shopping cause I brought him to the baby food aisle at the grocery store... just so I can look and see what else I can use as an additive in my soap. "Those carrots would make a mighty yummy soap bar!"

When my soap testers can't use a bar of soap fast enough... (IMO) LOL

And they take FOREVER to give feedback because they have so many bars to test. "Use one for your arm... another for the other arm... Don't you have two legs? One for one leg... another for the other leg...."

When I look at something and think... " A-ha!!! That would make a wonderful soap mold!!" all the time!!!!

When you develop a relationship with Shiny Gold Mica... and you think that EVERY bar of soap should have Gold Mica in it... cause it's sooooo purty.

And one last thing... when you and the UPS and DHL guy are on first name basis.... LOL

These are signs of My Addiction. And I guess I'll continue to be an addict... cause a SOAP HIGH is the best thing in the world. :grin2:

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You guys are making me laugh my butt off here....

My "hobby" is taking over the basement. Literally.

I used to be a squirrel when it came to food. I grew up poor, on welfare and there were days when we ate one meal, so that's where I chalk the squirrelly factor to. Anyway, I USED to have flats of soup, canned meats, toilet paper (seriously. when you have to ration toilet paper as a kid, you learn to hoard the precious stuff) boxes of pasta....the whole gammot. I kid you not, I had a huge shelving area stuffed full of this stuff. If there was ever a siege, or we lost our jobs I was prepared, I probably had 2-3 months worth of food down there, easy. Maybe more. I got much worse after my first baby was born.

Yeah, my soaping stuff started taking over one shelf at a time. Then it startd to encroach on Glen's work space, and storage space. He's getting annoyed with me.

In fact, the husband complained to me last night that the coffee filters were buried at the back of the shelf and it took him a long time to find them because I have all the food shoved into just a few shelves, and "good lord woman you're taking over my basement!"


I said "well, you'll notice that I've stopped stock piling food".

That shut him up.


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I dream about making soap.... all the time! If I made all the soap I made in my dreams I wouldn't have any room left in my house. My soap room, a spare bedroom, is stacked with molds, oils, curing soap, rubbermaid storage boxes, shipping boxes, packaging, you name it. I couldn't have a guest stay over if I wanted to... the guest room is full!

I also have too many bars of soap in the shower. Each bar for a different part of the body. I am not sure what will happen when I get into shower gels! I need a bigger shower!

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And one last thing... when you and the UPS and DHL guy are on first name basis.... LOL

I got you beat on this one! Before our move, I had my FedEx Guy's cell # programmed into my phone!!! I miss Matt...he was an awesome guy. (cute too!) Haven't met the current FedEx person. They keep dropping packages, ringing the bell, and running. That irritates the crud outta me.

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LOL! :laugh2: Too good - this thread should become a self-help stickie . . .

When UPS and USPS each stop by the house with packages at least once a week.

When the Feds probably have your name and address on a terrorist watch list for buying all the potential bomb ingredients, especially once you factor in the fertilizer & garden supplies.

When your house and garage resemble a storage facility warehouse, with evey free corner stacked with boxes of ingredients, boxes of packaging, boxes of soap & B&B prod, boxes that are empty but you keep deciding not to throw away either because you could use them for shipping, or you're thinking, "Hey, I could use that as a mold- I'd better save that."

:wave: Hello, I'm an addict and I intend to stay that way. Wanna make something of it?

Oo . . . "make something". . . um . . . okay, wait, I'll be right back . . .

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I got you beat on this one! Before our move, I had my FedEx Guy's cell # programmed into my phone!!! I miss Matt...he was an awesome guy. (cute too!) Haven't met the current FedEx person. They keep dropping packages, ringing the bell, and running. That irritates the crud outta me.

rotf lmao... girl... I know what ya mean!!! The first time I received a package from DHL.... the delivery guy called me from his cell phone because he wanted to make sure the address was correct. Then he proceeds to tell me... I should be there in an hour. Well... two hours past... No DHL Guy. Four hours past. No DHL Guy. I was getting very impatient because I had orders to fill and PLUS I wanted to make some soap Darn it!!!!! LOL Thank Goodness for CALLER ID. rotf lmao.... So.. I called his cell... he answered the phone like he was scared or something.... rotf lmao... I said.... "And where in the hell are you at Mister?????" And then there was silence. :laugh2: :laugh2: He says... I'm at Burger King. :laugh2: I said... "Mister... can you get that Whopper To Go? I'm waiting on my order.... you called me four hours ago telling me you'd be here in an hour..." He said... "Maam.... I'll be there in ten minutes." rotf lmao....:laugh2: DH just could not believe I called the DHL guy on his cell phone. He just kept shaking his head in disbelief. HA!! Well, I gave the DHL guy some samples... so now... he calls me EVERYTIME I have an order... to let me know he's a block away from my house, fixing to deliver! LOL

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Fed-Ex pulled up to the house last week and assumed the position in front of our house.

Parked and ready to deliver, then apparently realized his mistake.

Someone else on our street had to ordasity to have them deliver a package to their house!

Imagine the gall of some people?!!! :rolleyes2

I wasn't expecting a delivery, but just the same, I felt a sadness when the driver pulled away from his normal position in front of my house.

I "wanted" that package....and it was...gone. :(

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  • 1 month later...

:laugh2:LOL! Okay, I just caught myself doing this, and in the interests of full disclosure have to add:

1) I've been raiding my soap/B&B supplies for items to cook with, NOT the other way around, and

2) The entire bottom shelf of my small fridge is taken up with delicate oils, butters, etc, and in order to plan room for a slab of milk soap, I started edting my grocery list. Striking off things like, oh, milk. Eggs. You know, things that aren't necessary. Hey, shuttup, I NEED that mango butter! :P

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I raid my pantry for oils and other goodies. Who cares if we need rosemary for pork. I NEED it for my soap!!

I raid kids toys and toyboxes etc.. looking for new "molds" or things to create silicone molds with.

my fingers are always stained with dyes

if my house ever caught fire I am sure it would just explode with all the accelerants I have.

my answer for everything is now.. I am not buying that..::roll eyes:: I can make that

SHEESH.. look at those cheap azz oils in there!!

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I knew I was truly an addict when...

My 80 year old mother became very ill with vertigo. Her head was spinning... she could not stop throwing up... couldn't stand or walk by herself. I had to take her to the emergency room. As we sat there waiting our turn to see a doctor, I looked up, and there before me was a coffee machine. All these different coffees -- mocha cream, expresso coffee bean... yummy names like that. My imagination rambled with all the possibilities of different coffee soaps I could make. My poor mother was sitting there in a wheel chair moaning and groaning... I kept patting her back saying, "There, there..." but all I could think about was making my next batch of coffee-scented soap. Oh, the shame of it all. :o

P.S. My mother is fine.

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I was watching Iron Chef with my husband the other night, and their surprise ingredient was citrus. I kept watching and thinking of all kinds of fun things I could borrow for soap making. I really want some blood oranges now. Those things were COOL!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm bumping this thread because it made me laugh so hard and because some regulars never posted on it like Grumpy Girl~ who make the most beautiful soap I've ever seen as well as Brenda and several others!

I make some MP soap just for myself and a few friends but I've spent hours dreaming of making lotions and CP soap as well as lip balms and body wash and body spray. vistited dozens of website for all kinds of B&B stuff but righ now i'm have a fixation with bottles for liquid soap as well as body wash! And I don't even have the bases yet to play with.

It all takes time and capital and I'm just waiting for the right time to invest in this stuff. Until then it's just research, research, research.:P

But I think I've caught the bug! LOL!

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