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Upside Down Candle

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I was just browsing through ebay looking for some palm wax :grin2: and came across these from the states - they are upside down aren't they??


Do many people make candles this way and is there a reason or is it just personal preference? I think they look better the other way round, with the bottom of the mould as the top of the candle.


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Nag Champa is that incense smell the hippies used in the 60's. (Primarily to cover up matahooch smell). Can't stand it! However, many remember it and love the fragrance. I just remember how bad it always smelled on peoples clothes, in their homes, in their hair, money, anything the incense permeated smelled of it. Double blech!!:lipsrseal :lipsrseal

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LOL! Is nag champa nasty then? I've never smelt it. What kind of fragrance is it? I had a wiff of Patchouli recently and was nearly sick - nasty, nasty scent!


HEY!! Patchouli was the spring rave here and an alltime fav. LOL! Be nice to the patch ... besides you aren't supposed to whiff OOB and judge. Tisk. Tisk. :laugh2:

Nag is a very pungent, heavy perfumy, floral scent IMO. Borderline disgusting ;)

A popular scent in incense for sure.

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Did anyone notice that they use 2oz of scent per LB? Palm wax, at least the kind I use, can't hold that much. I'd be staying away from those. They also use a larger wick to produce more scent throw. I bet they also blow out really easy too, wax running all over the furniture. I hope they have insurance.

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Nag Champa was the first 16oz bottle I ordered. I love it and I'm not an old hippy either lmao. I bought some inscense sticks once for meditation and loved the smell. When I found I could get an FO in it, well, yum!

As for those candles, double scented, mmmm!!

Like the idea of the glow through the stones though, if it works ;)

Makes you wonder what, if any testing they do though, if they don't even realise the candle is upside down?

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A good Nag shouldn't need to be 2 oz/pp. It's too strong at 1oz/pp!! The Nag blend that I use is cut way down to .5/pp and still runs me out of the house.

Anji - should have kept that bottle of Patch. It is wonderful in blending - especially with those little bits of FO that aren't enough for a whole candle - you just mix 'em with a little patch and you have a great smelling candle.

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I was just going to post the exact same thing Anjie, then I thought about the fact, they probably haven't even tested them! but then I thought about the bit where its says, gulf war veteran and paying to put themselves thru college.

Oh I don't know lol

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but then I thought about the bit where its says' date=' gulf war veteran and paying to put themselves thru college.

Oh I don't know lol[/quote']

OMG! I didn't see that either!! :laugh2: :laugh2: I'm such an airhead :grin2: BUT, I didn't mean in a nasty way, I just thought that....well, if I was making candles upside down i'd want someone to tell me LOL.


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