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** What's in your pot this week/end? **

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Boy, it's a bummer that the 4th is on a Wed. Wish I had a long weekend. Anyone doing any special products/shows for the 4th?

This weekend I've got to finish up my wedding order. It's just 100 soaps but I've never swirled like this with this scent. Peak's Rose, swirled pink/black, and green/black. Crossing fingers on this one.

That will probably fill up Sun. Maybe will try to stock up on lavender as well - some lavender pillar sets, and another batch of soap.

Happy holiday almost weekend!

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finishing up candles for my sisters wedding, then we are off to go shopping for my youngest's birthday. he's turning 5 on monday and wants a green bike and a chocolate cake with orange frosting and chocolate letters,lol!

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Doing a spay clinic Sat and a graduation party Sat evening. Sunday will be sorta resting but have grandkids. My bummer for the 4th is I sent my payment for a booth (show) BUT got a call they are overwhelmed with booth requests. I will be on the list for next year. I'm upset. I am working on a booth space for a month at a craft place. Just to see how that goes. If it doesn't work I will pull out. Today I sent a request to be put on internet directory about my candle business. Will stay within my area. Will be on internet searching for summer shows in my area. Will do that till fall shows.LynnS

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I'm still pouring for the show next week. Will pour tonight, all day tomorrow and Sunday. Then Monday, pack all of the candles for the show and move them, clamshells and my tables to the park for setup! I'll setup the clamshells and the tables but plan to leave the candles in their boxes until the morning of the show! Last year they had a storm come through the night before and it wreaked havic on my displays but my candles weren't out so I didn't lose anything!:highfive:




Sage Lemongrass

Brown Sugar & Fig

Cinnamon Carmel Cappucinnio


This is a five day show from 9:00am til 11:30pm. Very long indeed but I can't beat the booth fee~ $40.00 for a 10X10 booth under a solid roof for 5 days. It's good money but I will not have any help this year:lipsrseal !!!!!


I'm waiting on the Cool Citrus Basil & the Downey Fresh to setup so I can move on to the next two scents!

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I wasn't planning on pouring, but we've had steady rain all day long so I skipped farmer's market. I need to re-stock honeysuckle & jasmine, lovespell, peanut butter cookie, welcome home, and sweet lime & basil. *wipes sweat from brow*

I also could stand to make a couple batches of soap, but we'll see ...

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