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Wholesale Offer...True or Scam?

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I haven't done any wholesale yet and I'm not entirely familiar with how it goes so I need some advice.....and I truly appreciate all I can get!

I got an e-mail from a lady who claims she owns a "specialty retail shop" in Arkansas. She says she's looking for "something new to add to her current stock". She says she's interested in my candles and she wants to see a sample so she can see how well they "burn and smell". She says she's very picky about what she puts in her shop.


Is it normal to get wholesale offers from another state (half way across the U.S.)???

If she's familiar with wholesale (like I am NOT), should she have given more info?...asked more info?...been more specific?

I don't want to overlook a possible opportunity but I don't want to be suckered into handing out free candles, either. Thanks for any help with this!

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After getting "burned" once with a lady pretending she was opening a shop and aked for samples (and yes I sent her some) now I fully explain my condition and offer to buy a sample pack, then if shop owners place an order I will discount the total already paid for the sample pack.

I don't know about that request but I found that asnwering in this way makes scammers quit...


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Just email her back and let her know that before you can discuss wholesale with her that you need to see a copy of her retail tax id (state tax id). After you see that let her know that you can send her candles at wholesale price to test. It's definately not unusual to have wholesale accounts from different states. But, by asking for the tax id you will know if she's legit for wholesale.

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It sounds like someone who's looking for free candles. Most people who are genuinely in the retail business know to provide all of their business info (address, store name, phone) plus their tax ID when they inquire about samples.

Did this lady even ask if you offer wholesale pricing, or did she just cut to the chase and ask for free candles?

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"I got an e-mail from a lady who claims she owns a "specialty retail shop" in Arkansas. She says she's looking for "something new to add to her current stock". She says she's interested in my candles and she wants to see a sample so she can see how well they "burn and smell". She says she's very picky about what she puts in her shop."

NO FREE SAMPLES! NO NO NO NO! Anyone can email someone with something like this.

If she is interested in "BUYING" anything from you she would have ordered through your website already.

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Well as someone that owns a business ... I have contacted people about wholesaling their candles in my Salon...BUT... I've only contacted them AFTER I've ordered a couple of candles and paid FULL price for them.

My feeling is #1. I want to try the candles for myself before I ask about wholesaling... cause they might actually suck and I only want quality items in my salon. #2. I like being able to order what I want to try rather than have someone send me something that throws really strong for that candle and then the rest don't throw as well. #3. I don't feel as though it's the suppliers responsibilty to suck up the cost of the product just because I want to try some candles... Hopefully my supplier would be thoughtful enough once there is a wholesale account established to send me some samples every so often with my orders.


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I also received the same e-mail when I checked my mail this morning. My response is that they can order off of our regular site and if they chose to use us as their candle company we will take the wholesale discount off of their first order.

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Thanks for all the great responses! I'm so glad I have Candletech and all the helpful members I can come to. I had NO idea how to handle this and I appreciate all the input you've given. I had a funny feeling she was a wee too vague and unprofessional with her request. And wow!...she sure got around, didn't she? I wonder how many others she's written to that will actually send her free candles.

Thanks again to all of you!


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People suck eh?

I've been suckered in by those e-mails in the beginning and thankfully the guidance here has made sure that I don't throw money away.

It really sucks because they prey on our excitement, and don't give a second thought to getting something for nothing. I mean, we all work damn hard for our business.

It's sad that there are scammers out there, it ruins it for the other retailers out there, and makes us all cynical. My most recent one was someone that linked off of this board to my website then e-mailed me for wholesale info (she never even bothered to LOOK at my products in detail, nor look at the info on my wholesale page, she just went right to the "contact me" page. To which, I did what the others already suggested (asked for more info) and never heard back from her.


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I got the same email just a few days ago.. I'll post a copy of mine when I get home to my other computer. It smelled like a scam to me when I read it originally.. now I know she is just fishing for samples.

Thanks for posting!


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Even if they provide tax id and other required information, what's to stop a gift shop owner (whose store is already fully stocked) from requesting free samples just so she has free candles to use?

Nothing will prevent anyone from asking for free merchandise. Practically every gift store in America carries one brand of candles or another. Legitimate businesses will burn candles they carry as a way of promoting them. Getting free candle samples in their store and burning them will not do anything for their sales if they don't offer the brand they burn.

There are a lot of people with tax ID's that do not own stores, but might own a daycare or such, that fraudulently use their ID to buy items at wholesale or obtain free samples for their own personal use.

To put an end to the abuse, some wholesale companies in the giftware industry will require you to submit photos of your shop, a copy of your tax ID, and a list of your top three suppliers before they will send out samples as a way to weed through serious potential customers vs. freeloaders. That's a lot of trouble to go to to get a free sample.

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Getting free candle samples in their store and burning them will not do anything for their sales if they don't offer the brand they burn.
Actually, I was thinking they would get the free candles for personal use, burning them at home and not at their store. So they can only using their gift shop as a way to get the free things.
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THIS lady must be hanging out here because I got the same email also and when I checked my stats. Well the only shoppers I had on my site today came from here...

So I am assuming that there will be more people from candle tech getting this same email. SO BEWARE!!!

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THIS lady must be hanging out here because I got the same email also and when I checked my stats. Well the only shoppers I had on my site today came from here...

So I am assuming that there will be more people from candle tech getting this same email. SO BEWARE!!!

Sometimes I wonder if it's worth putting our URL in our profile/signature, as it could attract more junk mail than anything else.
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I just got the same email....here it is...

Hello my name is Stephanie and I own a specialty retail shop in Arkansas. I am

looking for something new to add to my current stock. I am very interested in

your candles and would love to see a product sample of your craftsmanship if you

offer a chance to sample them as I am very picky about what I put in my shop. I

also think it is important to see how well the candles burns and smells. Thank

you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you.

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I got the same email...word for word. I told her that she could fax a copy of her tax ID and then I would let her buy one of each size at wholesale to see if she would like them. Didn't hear a word back. Weeds out the bad ones looking for freebies. I also did a search on her and couldn't find her business anywhere.

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