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Trying to learn a new technique


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I have seen a couple different techniques to make marble pillars and votives. Since I have never made pillars, I thought I would practice with a votive just "to see" how it looks.

I flubbed up the top of a votive so I thought it was a good time to test it. Here is how it came out. I learned what NOT to do at least lol The scent is Cinnamon Crunch Cake and I was going for the "crumb" look on the candle.


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Did you dip and swirl on that one?

I think that is what it was SUPPOSED to be but my wax to swirl with wasn't completely melted and it ended up speckled lol

The trick is making sure the chunks are small enough to melt before dipping. I learned that one the hard way hahahahaha

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