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To Paypal or not to Paypal.

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I have a paypal account. I also have a third party merchant account to allow me to process credit cards. I have an SSL. Currently I offer a choice on my site. The customer can choose paypal or CC. Why I did this, I don't know. I'm considering eliminating the paypal feature. So far, only 2 repeat customers have used the paypal feature. The rest use the cc feature and anyone that bought stuff from me in the classies used paypal. I guess I'm looking for input as to why I should or shouldn't remove paypal. Any feedback is appreciated.

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PayPal is no monthly fees- and depending on the type of account your fees are standard 2.9% + $.30

I leave it on my site and I would say only about 5% of my sales are pp- but there may be that customer that does not want to enter their cc number on the web (I am one of those people).

Others are western union, cc, and pick up/drop off. Or not even placed via the site and invoiced.

My 3 cents

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If you have SSL and a merchant account, I'd probably dump the PayPal unless you're really making enough to be worth the chunk they take out of every PP payment. I know that when I order stuff, I love to pay via PayPal, but it doesn't bother me to use my CC.

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I would think, since it provides the customer an option and doesn't cost you anything to maintain, just transaction, to keep it.

You might lose a whole sale over not taking Paypal, rather than just the minute fees on one time transaction.

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WOW!!! PayPal is high at 2.9% + .30.

My merchant account is only 1.75% & .25 but it's only phone in orders & some people don't like to give CC #'s over the phone. I do keep all #'s very secure untill I process them, then I shred them afterwords. I never keep CC

#'s on file for security reasons.

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  • 3 years later...

Marcuset I did the same thing and just have PP on my website. In my opinion it is way cheaper and I personally prefer using PP when I am shopping at other sites. My CC processing was just getting to expensive. It was the one I started out with when I first started in 04 and just never changed or tried to find cheaper.

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I had Propay and Paypal. Propay for my shows, both for website. I let my Propay lapse when I quit doing shows. Paypal started holding money making it very inconvenient at times. I am debating going Propay again. Would love to get the card swiper with it though....I am too stupid to work the knucklebuster correctly.

Then there are the services that you can use your Smartphone. Oh...if I could only afford a smartphone.

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I haven't had any problems with paypal holding money. Is this a new thing?

I'm going to be signing up for propay too probably. I used it when I used to do shows and hopefully will be starting to them again.

Lol on the knucklebuster- there's a reason why they call it that, they are difficult to use. :)

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They started to hold money on accounts. I heard about it last summer. They told me mine was due to many refunds. I had done a co-op and then sent refunds to participants when the shipping estimate turned out to be too high. Then they started holding my money when I received it for a while. They cleared me after a few transactions. But in the meantime I had a big order and needed to juggle money in accounts to pay for it. I wasn't a happy camper!

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I've had a Paypal account for going on 11 years now - first for eBay and then added to my website - and I've never had any funds held for any reason, so it isn't happening to everyone. I also have Propay. It has varied, year to year, the number of transactions processed between the two(I don't take checks or money orders since I'm internet sales only-just electronic checks). Since the incidence of internet fraud appears to be increasing and customers are being made aware thru internet articles and news broadcasts, I've seen an increase in Paypal orders and call ins.

The thing I don't like about Paypal now is even if you make a refund seconds after an order is placed, Paypal does not refund what they took out originally, so it comes out of your funds. That stinks. Without doing the math(I haven't had any coffee yet!:laugh2:), I had a case where I had to do a refund. Let's say the transaction total was $15.00, and Paypal's cut was $1.50, so when I refunded them(and it was less than 60 seconds from the transaction coming thru), paypal refunded the $15.00 - my $13.50 cut plus an additional $1.50 from my funds. So this "no transaction" cost me $1.50! TG I don't have many of these types of problems. Still I keep them because the more payment options you have, the less likely you are to lose a customer that doesn't like your payment choices.:tiptoe:

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