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You gotta read this, tell me what your what you would do.

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Wow, people amaze me.. I'd love the recipe to Pepsi but sure dont have the cahoonas to ask for it. I've met candle makers at shows and if they do not know about this board I refer them.. but as suggested, this person may just want everybody to give them answers without spending the time [and $$] to learn and understand. So, not sure I'd refer to the board. When I started I spent a lot of time with google.. and think that is what they need to do. I bought for a year stuff out of state before I found local suppliers and saved some money. It's all part of the process. There are too many thrown together candles at the shows these days.. people not doing their homework.

They may think that since you are not in the same state, you would not see them as competition and give them the answer. I'd thank them for their interest and let them know that just because I was not a nationally know brand [yet :D ] like yank##, I still had trade secrets and years of R&D that was not available to anyone for any price. Suggest the library and hobby lobby as a place to start and more info is available online should they decide to persue.

Or, Maybe you could forward it to yank## and tell them you couldn't give out your info and wondered if they might help the poor folks out?? :naughty:

** I just reread the letter and they got your stuff in Dec and are now making candles and stuff 2 1/2 months later.. sounds a bit funky to me... send them the link to google and yank##

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I agree with this. I wouldn't send her the link to CT. Besides, if she comes here, she'll find this thread. :cheesy2:

Well heck....I figured after meeting everyone....she would run the other way...LMAO...JOKING!!!!!

No really....I have seen newbies come and go...if someone really wants make candles and or b&b...I say go for it....but that doesnt mean I'm passing on tricks I've learned...or where I get my supplies.

I have found though...that 75% of all questions I have got from people are other candlemakers....and members of boards like this who just wants to see the reply you give...or want to know where you get something and instead of just asking...they give you a story...blah blah blah....

Then most newbies (dont mean on here only) who want to learn or think they do...after realizing its not just sticking a wick into a jar and pouring the wax....change their minds.

I guess I have been TO nice for sending them this way..LMAO...though if you type anything about making candles...this site comes up!

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How much could it possibly help her if you did give her a list of your suppliers/manufacturers? If you are like most of us you probably use several.It is odd to me that she can't find jars and bags in Texas. And labels? How hard are they to find? We have many options here....if she found her way here all the way from Georgia you would think she could find anything she could possibly want. It just seems odd to me...really odd.

This part was clear: "how you make your candles "...and I love how it seemed so nonchalant. LOL

I probably couldn't resist giving her so much information it would make her head spin....or just reply back with " Girl, I know what you mean! I can't find supplies at a decent price either! And BAGS, OMG, don't EVEN get me started on BAGS! Labels....now THAT is my WORSE nightmare!.....and on and on and on......KWIM?

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....or just reply back with " Girl, I know what you mean! I can't find supplies at a decent price either! And BAGS, OMG, don't EVEN get me started on BAGS! Labels....now THAT is my WORSE nightmare!.....and on and on and on......KWIM?

This is a great answer!!!

People think it is all about finding the supplies. No way, don't tell her a thing and I agree, don't even send a link to this board.

I was able to find it and I'm in italy!!!!

If someone really wants to learn she/he can find the way, here in italy there is not so much about candlemaking but I didn't give up so now I'm virtually crossing all the world to find what I need!

That's why I'm not so happy of sharing my knowledge with anyone.

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Thank you all for all of you ideas. Guess what,...she even left me a voice mail on Sunday. It was longer than the email.

I wonder who her friend is that sent her my candles? If her friend lives in my area, then don't you think,... if I were to give her all the infomation she's requested, that her friend would be making them also, then before you know it there could be a lot more in my area copying from me?

I found this board by myself , tested tons of suppliers, wasted enough money, spent hundreds & hundreds of hours researching, my house hasn't had a good cleaning in years, my family has eaten enough take out food to make them sick, I've missed Holiday's with my parents and family, had tons of laundry stacked ceiling high, smelled like a big candle when picking my daughter up from school (had people to tell me this) , wax in my hair, nose, eyebrows , along with dye on my face, clothes, nails,...to get to where I'm at today! I'm sure you all know what I mean.

Heck no,...I'd give her my husband before she would get that kind of info.,...!!! (just kidding about the husband part).

Thanks to all of you, you have been so much help.

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I've been asked some pretty bold, offensive questions too. Plenty of times. I just answer that the info. is proprietary, or I give lots of very vague, generalized answers.

Q: How do you make your candles?

AJ: I melt the wax, add scent and color, then pour into a jar into which I've put a wick. :D

Q: Where do you get your supplies?

AJ: All OVER the place! I have TONS of different suppliers! :grin2:


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How about telling her this, "The day Yank-me gives me a list of their suppliers, and tells me how they make their candles, is the day I will give you my list of suppliers! Have a nice day!:D

Last year a candle maker from Switzerland asked me to sell his candles and sent me few samples. I told him that I found his scents to chemical smelling and he answered he didn't understand this because they have the same FO manufacturer as Yankee! He also sent me a document from this manufacturer concerning their oils (because he had claimed they would only use fos where real fruit were processed:confused:):

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please let me offer the following regarding the Toxic Substance Control Act

(TSCA) status of our products.

All inventory items stocked by Intercontinental Fragrances are listed in the TSCA Inventory. This is true regardless of the nature of the item (single or multi-component). Therefore, all products sold by this company are either specifically listed or their individual components are listed separately.

Additionally, all inventory items used are listed on the European Inventory List, ELINCS and EINECS.

Intercontinental Fragrances provides fragrance oils free of :

Nitro Musk

Polycyclic Musk


IFRA Certification

Intercontinental Fragrances manufactures within the current guidelines published by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA). The guidelines are established by the Joint Advisory Committee of IFRA, the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM), and by the IFRA Technical Advisory Committee, following a review of all available literature and safety data from RIFM, the industry and other recognized safety groups.


Rachael Tolliver

Manager, Technical Services

Do you think this is really the company Yankee uses?

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I would actually call her.

Pose a question to her, such as.

Why did you pick me to ask (for all the information)?

If she states, because your candles are wonderful.

Tell her, my candles are wonderful because they have years of hard work in them. I did not call someone up on the phone and ask how to make a candle. I researched and tested for years and my final product is the result of all the hardwork I put into my business. My best advice to you, if you honestly want to make a wonderful product that is yours and something you, yourself, can be proud of, is to get on your computer and do months and months of research before you even make your first supply purchase. Then do testing and more research "until" you have come up with a product that is the result of "your" hardwork, not mine or someone elses.

Something to this effect. Nice, but to the point.

You just have to sit back and laugh. Some people are clueless!!!

Handle it with dignity, your candles deserve it.



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I would respond b/c it is the professional thing to do, and she may decide to bag making her own and buy from you if she struggles enough. I would say something along the lines of what was already written about "glad my product inspired you, regretfully, that information is proprietary, etc," and then refer her to the National Candle Association at http://www.candles.org/. And wish her luck and that's it!

I liked this suggestion best.

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Hmmm, maybe i'm just too nice, but i'd give her a bit of info. I'd prob tell her aout one or two suppliers, the big ones like Peaks or BCN or whatever. I'd also give her a little advice about making candles, but not too much.

I suppose i think it's a bit mean to not tell her anything, she could be genuine, but i wouldn't give her a lot of info, as that would take too long and, as many people have said, the research you have to do for yourself.

So i'd be brief but a little helpful, so if she was genuine she would know where to start!!!!

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Well you know, she isn't really asking for much, just how to make candles, where to get supplies, where to get the packaging, how to do the labels and where to get them... Is there anything she's figured out for herself? I personally like the answer about just pouring some wax in a jar and adding a wick.

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Maybe it's just me, but I don't see what the big deal is in replying.:) What is the difference in anyone helping each out on this board? When someone asks, who has the best Cranberry fragrance? Most don't think twice about answering.

By answering, I would just point her in the direction of searching for message boards/forumns for candlemakers and tell her there are so many candle suppliers it's best to just search and review them in keeping to her own specifications.

I wouldn't tell her how I MAKE candles - that's a bit much.

Just my two cents for what it's worth!

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Ugh, don't get me started on people like this!! Sure, we were all new at one time and excited to learn all about the craft. But, we didn't learn overnight. Remember back to the first candles you made? The first batch of soap? (I still remember my baby poo green LoveSpell soap that was supposed to be blue! heehee) Most of us know that it was research, hard work and alot of testing to get from those first products to the awesome products that we make today! :) I think that is why it chaps our arses when someone wants to come along and take the cheap 'n easy way out. I have people ask me all the time "Where do you get your supplies from?" Instead of asking them where they buy their tampons from (like the smart-a$$ in me wants to), I will just smile and say instead "Oh, all over the place!" If they ask me if I will teach them to make candles, etc. I will just give them the cost of $100 an hour plus supplies, letting them know it will take several hours of lessons. I love the blank expression on their faces when you mention all the different wicks there are......then you start on the waxes....."Oh, you mean there's more than one???" LOL By the time you mention the cost of insurance and keeping meticulous records for tax purposes you will have the running from the room screaming!!!

If this girl was insistent and kept calling you I would answer one day and simply tell her as politely as possible that you have spent hundreds (maybe thousands? Totally possible in this biz) in testing and hours upon hours of research and that you cannot give out any proprietary information.

I'm PMS'ing tonight, can ya tell?? :o

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Hehe I had a call one time from someone who had received my candles as a gift and decided to call for ME to teach her how to make candles and asked where I got my supplies and she was "only going to make them for herself"...

I told her that I don't do that and to research on the Net, that there was tons of information available. Proceeded to tell me that she did and there wasn't a lot of information to find! lol. Then said "Oh my friend, xxx, told me would wouldn't tell me anything." Yes ma'am I told her, no candle maker will give out their formulas and suppliers and she needs to research and read on her own and test a lot of different waxes, wicks and scents and expect to spend some money. Never heard from her again, lol.

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The bottom line is this. We don't learn to drive only by reading a book. We don't learn to cook just by gathering a few recipes and having someone explain things to us. We learn these skills primarily by *doing.*

So there's no way someone can simply be told how to do these things and expect reasonable success; a person has to gain experience the old-fashioned way. It takes time and practice, and there's no short-cutting that. So when someone asks me for a magic bullet, a short-cut, some quick fix, or an instant gratification kinda thing, I just tell them they start by doing lots of research, then by just DOING IT. It takes loads of practice, time, trial & error. Go for it, bay-bee; ain't no way around it!! Do your homework, then get crackin'. LOL

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I agree your answer should be short and sweet. No need to be rude-- just don't give out hard earned information.

Thank her and let her know your info is proprietary and you don't give that out. Then suggest to her that she may want to try out a starter kit as it takes time and money to learn how to make candles and a good starter kit is a way to go without spending too much.

Leave it at that. Period!

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The bottom line is this. We don't learn to drive only by reading a book. We don't learn to cook just by gathering a few recipes and having someone explain things to us. We learn these skills primarily by *doing.*


Learning to cook was a breeze compared to learning to make quality candles, and much, much less expensive.

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Maybe it's just me, but I don't see what the big deal is in replying.:)What is the difference in anyone helping each out on this board? When someone asks, who has the best Cranberry fragrance? Most don't think twice about answering.

By answering, I would just point her in the direction of searching for message boards/forumns for candlemakers and tell her there are so many candle suppliers it's best to just search and review them in keeping to her own specifications.

I wouldn't tell her how I MAKE candles - that's a bit much.

Just my two cents for what it's worth!

The difference is people who are participating members here generally give and take. We learn from each other. We know that other members are spending their money and time and not just sitting back waiting for others to do all the work for them. Well, most of the time anyway.

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