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does anyone have other people as testers?

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or do you do all your testing yourself?

Hubby has rung, he's shown a couple of people at work some of the candles I've made and they are desperate for them.

I'm adament I'm not selling any, until a very long time in the future :) I was wondering though, would you allow someone to test for you, if you told them the dangers etc, what to look for re: burn pool, etc. Or do you all test your own?

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My suggestion would be to do the initial testing yourself. After you know it is a safe product and the way it burns, I would then let them test for their opinions, as well as how the candle smells/burns in different environments. But be aware that a lot of people with not really know what to look for and will usually come back with "It smelled great." or "It burned fine." Most people won't check the melt pool size as it burns, how deep the melt pool is, etc. HTH

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I will test burn my candles first..then if it all looks good, I will pass a few out to people to get their opinions on the scent throw, how it burned etc...but I will always burn at least one candle first per scent/wicking before I would give it to some one else to try.

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IMHO, it's absolutely essential to have other people test for you, especially if you're considering selling even if it is in the distant future. If I were to rely soley on myself as a tester, I'd never be satisified with scent throw since I have perpetual candle nose & my house is so full of other fragrances due to the 200 bars of soap laying out (not to mention a billion tarts)!

You can ask your testers to look for anything you want feedback on - scent throw, melt pool, flame size, length of burn. You'll quickly get a feel for which people will give you timely & honest feedback and which people just want free candles!

Good luck!

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I have a few very close friends that help me test. Usually it's just for scent throw since I seem to not be able to smell anything anymore. I give them the candle to burn when I feel the wick is right.

My best friend knows and understands what to look for during testing, so if I really need help regarding wick/flame/melt pool, etc I can depend on her.

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thanks for your input everyone :)

couple of questions if I may?

1) what exactly should I be testing for?

size of burn pool, I understand the 1st burn should be for 1hour per inch diameter of the candle?

scent throw

size of flame

2) I have made some tarts, each one I've done a 5inch candle, small tart candle and melt, (all same wax, fo etc) can I burn the small candle and if that ok, let the tester use the bigger one? or do I have to have 2 identical size etc, 1 for me, then one for tester?


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I have been very disappointed in my candle testers. I then made sure they had the questionnaire mentioned above--no change. I changed a few testers and explained to them why I needed them, etc. No change. Just a comment of burns good, smells nice, after I chased them down. It was frustrating--not to mention expensive. I now do most burns myself. I've got 3 good people doing tarts. Get thorough reviews, etc.

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I not only do my own testing but I have others test as well. I have developed a survey for them to fill out on the candle. It helps with the research and development portion of your company. The feed back is invaluable. you would be surprised what matters to one person and what matters to another my be something simple as the color of the candle, the jar, the burn time, the label. I guess what I am saying is not only test what is inside the container but make the most out of the testing test everything.

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