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Playboy Flexible Mould.

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Has anyone got this mould?


I need some advice on how to get the wax out of the moulds. I made some yesterday and broke the ears off of every one!! :undecided Would it be advisable to warm the underside of the mould slightly and see if they drop out - or am i just dreaming?


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I use a the same type mold, but it's from Wilton and hearts.

I place the mold in the over or a toaster oven and heat for about 10 minutes at 250*F. I pour wax at 190*F-200*F let set at room temp, top off if needed.

To un-mold gently pull the rubber away from each wax piece and push up from the back. That should release the wax without breaking.

BTW - I use straight paraffin with additives. Straight paraffin without additives maybe harder to get out.

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You only use one or the other not both. To much will "LOCK-UP" the scent.

I had no idea that using both stearic and vybar at the same time would lock up the scent! I always use both together! And couldn't for the life of me work out why my candles didn't smell overly strong, no matter how much FO I used! :undecided

Thanks Candle Man! :D

Sorry to butt in Anjie, but this news is great! Good luck with your bunnies!

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I had no idea that using both stearic and vybar at the same time would lock up the scent! I
use both together! And couldn't for the life of me work out why my candles didn't smell overly strong, no matter how much FO I used! :undecided

Thanks Candle Man!

Both additives work almost alike so you don't need both just one or the other. If you use to much of either it will "LOCK-UP" the scent.

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Both additives work almost alike so you don't need both just one or the other. If you use to much of either it will "LOCK-UP" the scent.

I had only ever heard that using too much vybar will lock up the scent. That's why I only use a little... but then throw in a little stearic as well! All that is about to change! One or the other, and not too much of either one. Got it! :D

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Lay the mould on the kitchen side (after it's been in the fridge for 10 minutes or so) and then hold on to one side and gently place your index finger near the edge of one cavity - push your finger gently onto the mould and then "pull back" - this will pull the mould away from the edge of the bunny. Go round the WHOLE cavity doing this - it's a bit like using a knife to separate a freshly cooked cake from a pan - just gently go round the whole cavity pulling the mould away from the wax - try to always leave the mould sitting on the side, don't pick it up.

Once you have loosened the bunny, turn the mould over and place it back on the kitchen side - and push the bottom of the mould. NEVER try to get the wax out of the mould while you're actually holding the mould in the air - that will just bend the mould and break your ears. try to loosen, wiggle and push the wax out whilst it is sitting on the side.

Also, when you fill the mould, don't fill right up to the edge - your enemy is over-spill. If you've filled the cavity too far and it bulges or runs over - then it will be much harder to get out of the mould. Last thing you can try is to wipe a little cooking oil or preferably olive oil on a piece of kitchen towel all over the inside of the mould before you pour - and then use the above methods to get the bunny out.


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oh WOW! Thank you Natasha!! Sounds like you have done this before LOL. I am getting really frustrated with this and was on the verge of giving up with that particular mould - but will persevere now :highfive: I did wonder about the oil but then thought it might leave marks on the finished melt.

Thank you so much.


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yep - i kept breaking the legs and head off my little gingerbread men - but I found if I loosened it allllll the way around the sides, and then flipped it over and pushed gently along the length of the shape - it eventually pops out intact! I could never get one out when I actually held the mould in my hand - it always had to be flat on a surface.

Good luck!

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Cool. I'm just giving it another go, am waiting for them to set up. Although, doing 5 things at the same time, i put my mould in the oven to warm up and forgot about it!!!! 2 of the outside cavities are shall we say a BIT distorted now :embarasse , oh well could have been worse I suppose. Wont make that mistake again.


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hehe - we've all done that! I put 35 votive moulds and 20 tart moulds in the oven to melt the wax off (they go to rusty if you wash them too much) I left them in the oven for about an hour accidently - they came out jet black and smoking - alllll ruined.

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OMG NO! Ooooops!

Well, I think this mould is a no-no. I seriously am losing my patience with this, I did exactly what you said, even oiled up the mould slightly. Left mould in fridge for 10 minutes. Pulled mould gently away from sides of wax etc. The ears STILL break off!!! One of the bunnies was soo stuck that when i eventually pulled the 'peices' out they had a pink tinge to them (the wax is white!) from the mould.

I don't know, maybe its just not compatible with wax. :angry2: :angry2:

Thanks for all your help anyway.


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where did you get the mould and what temp are you pouring at? Is the wax fragranced? If the colour from the mould is getting on your wax then that points to the pour being way too hot. Also, if you've added too much fragrance or dye that can soften the wax.

Start from the beginning - clean the mould and wipe with oil. Melt some wax with no additives, no dye and no scent and put it into a glass jug - don't pour the wax till you can comfortably place the palm of your hand against the outside of the jug.

Wait for it to set for at least 2 or 3 hours - then put in the fridge for half an hour. The wax should really just pop right out. Are you using 100% paraffin pillar wax? it will never work with container wax. I'm wondering just what wax you're using and where you got it from?

If you STILL can't get the wax out - then the mould is just not for you!


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Hi Nat.

Ummm i heated the wax to 180F then poured it :embarasse way too hot then! cringe, cringe!! I was using paraffin pillar wax (from candlelights) with stearin added, and coconut FO but no colour. I used the usual 1oz FO to Ib of wax that I usually use.

I will try one more time (LMFOA) no colour, no F/O, and at a cool temp - and we will see what happens. I was soo close to throwing the sodding thing out of the window :D even better, i'll stick it in an envelope and send it to you - if you can get them out then ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. :cry2:


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yep - 180 is far too hot - you've melted the mould - the bunnys will never come out if they've welded themselves to the mould!

Pour much, much cooler. don't bother with stearin. You should be able to pour pure paraffin pillar wax and achieve enough shrinkage for them to pop right out with a little persuasion. when you put the melted wax in a jug, leave it to cool for so long that you just start seeing "cloudy" areas in the wax. This is the stage just before the "slushy" stage. If you pour at slushy (which is the temperature you pour container candles at) then you'll get air bubbles in the bunnies - the best guide to the temperature is of course a thermometer, but your hand comfortably on the outside of the jug without it removing skin is a good method too!

If you can't get it to work - please do send it to me. I'll have a go and if I get it to work I'll send it back, with bunnies, and instructions! Alternatively - feel free to come and see me with it and we can try together - I'm only 20 minutes from you I reckon?


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