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BIG Fireplace Candle


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This is one big Momma :shocked2: This things measures 6-1/8 x 24" and weights 31 lbs. Had this mold made for a customer to make hurricanes for them and when I placed the order I thought hey what if I have wick holes put in and make a huge candle. There are 5 wicks in it and I'm going to put it in my fireplace.

I've done 2 hurricane for them so far and man what a PITA to pick it up to pour out. The first time I tried it on my own and 1/4 of the wax ended up on the floor :sad2: The next time I did one I had to have help lifting it up to pour the center out.

Now I need to figure out how to clean up the bottom. Ummm don't think it will fit on a cookie sheet :)



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WOW! That's a BIG MAMA! :shocked2: Suggestion for cleaning up the bottom. If you have a Gordon Food Service in your area, they have large metal trays that would hold this candle. I use them for setting up my votive molds, so when I overpour them on the repour, I can scrap up the leftover wax and make a tart from it...no waste! HTH

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Well now....I don't know how many candles you make and if you want to spend the money, but I have a leveler that I bought from Candlewic for about $80. It sits in my electric frying pan and I level my candles on the ruff surface....the extra spills over into the pan where I can save it or throw it out. I use it all of the time. It works well for little candles and large ones too. I think it is about 6" x 9". Looks like a little table with short legs. Donita

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Holy moly mother of God that thing's huge! :cheesy2: I wonder how long that will burn.

Yes, I'd love to see some 'cane pix made with that mold. That could be a lot of fun, in a PITA sort of way. lol.

I think I'd be tempted to put a large hole in the bottom of the mold & use some kind of high-temp resistent rubber stopper. Then, when it's time to pour out the excess wax, just pull the plug. Of course, you'd have to have something big enough for that thing to sit on over a bucket or something to catch the draining, hot wax. Not sure if that's a good idea or a bad one, but thought I'd throw it out there.

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