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My Printer Helper...and new soap!


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Perhaps drawn by the warmth, my cat Nugget has decided that this is his favorite spot in the house. :rolleyes2 His help makes printing labels problematic!


But at least he was out of the way when I made this soap. My new 16 bar Misty Creek mold arrived today and I couldn't wait to fill it up. This is a blend of Patchouli EO, Valencia Orange EO, and Black Raspberry FO. Hope it turns out, could have gone heavier on the coloring in the translucent base.


I loved working with a smaller soap pot and a smaller mold. Much easier on my wrists! And if I don't like the soap, I've used only half the amount of oils as I normally do. Yay!

Thanks for looking! :cheesy2:

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Awwww Brenda, great soap but beautiful cat.. Looks identical to my Trapper- several pictures of him in the members picture area :-)

Nugget does look like Trapper! :grin2: He's the first "orange" cat I've owned and is a wonderful cat. My husband is his first choice but sadly, I am his second!

Thanks for your kind remarks, everyone! You do a soaper's heart good.

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That is a darling pic, and obviously Trapper is comin' around to you being his Favorite people, since he's "helpin" YOU more and more. ;)

I can't imagine the scent that soap will have, but if you made it I'm sure it'll be delish, and it sure is beautiful (as usual) and can't wait to see it cut.


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Nugget needs a friend -- the Boy King!

Given the fact that Nugget could pass for Peabodys sibling, you better include Peabody on Nuggets "buddy" list!!!!!! LOL I'm not really sure why but surveys show a lot of people aren't attracted to orange cats. I have to admit when Ashley brought Peabody home my first thought was "orange!" That being said, I've own several cats in my long, old age and I have to admit, Peabody is by far the best cat I've ever owned. He has personality plus and woudln't trade him for anything. I'm totally drawn to orange cats now, lol. It's kinda weird, his orangeness has mellowed to a "fawn" color. Julie can vouch for this booger!s character. He doesn't lay on my printer but does like to lounge on top of my monitor. I'm suspecting, like you, they are drawn to the heat.

Brenda, your soaps are just fabulous!

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Well, here it is cut. Not sure about this soap. It didn't gel in my cold kitchen and even though I've been experimenting with not letting my soap gel, I should have forced this one to I think.


I was hoping for a translucent look to the bulk of the bar, but instead got an opaque look. Plus I had to shave the tops off to see any of the swirl.

There's always something to learn when soaping!

Thanks for looking. :smiley2:

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