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Hi everyone, these are a couple of mottled pillars made w/1274 and sugarplum fo. How do I avoid those repour lines on the pillars? I am pouring 10 degrees hotter than the first pour (so around 200) and i can't seem to avoid that line....any suggestions? thanks!

kim :)


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I usually take my heat gun and slightly melt the top of the layer that has set (not enought to melt the whole layer though). Then pour the next layer. It usually blurs the line where the layers meet.

Looking at you picture again, it looks as if you have the bottom of your pillars up. Can't really tell from the picture. In molds the bottom of the mold is the top of the candle, so you need to pour right to the top of your mold. In votives, I use the melting and heat gun method I mentioned.

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thanks to everyone for your tips and compliments! before i started making candles i only bought pillars for display purposes never to burn because i just didn't think they scented that well. now i know different !! i am still fairly new to the pillar world but i am liking it so far :cool2:

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Actually that repour line just gave me a lot of ideas - I think they look good and that repour - even if they are upside down, makes a nice contrast since it didn't mottle as good (probably because it cooled faster).

I use those mauve chips a lot - love the color. Its pretty hard to screw up the mottle on 1274 with temps, it seems to always do its thing. Did you add any FO? How about additives? (They look really dry, thats why I'm asking - have they sat long before you took the pic?).


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i used 3TBS of stearic powder and 1 oz of sugar plum fo. the stearic really helps w/the sweating in mottling wax, it still sweats but not nearly as much as without it. they have only been sitting for 2 days and i haven't even wiped them off yet. The repour lines don't bother me personally but if i end up selling someday they may bother others! I do love those color diamonds. i buy them from candlechem's ebay store and they are always consistent & have good deals on them and ship pretty much the same day.

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Ditto what Henry said. I like the repour lines...since you have a set, they look like borders. All my candles used to have that border till I learned to pour to the top of the mold. It's ok if it sinks in the middle..you just fill it in w/the second pour.

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