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Here is her story and she's sticking to it.

Sharon in KY

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First, I'm very busy with tart orders. My customers all know that it will take about 4 weeks for me to get their orders done cause I have so many ahead of them and their orders are so large, restocking from Christmas. I had a call yesterday and first thing she says is "Sharon, I got Hit". I say "oh no was it a car or what"? She goes on to tell me her store, in a kind of a mall, only open Fri, Sat and Sunday. has a gate for a door. Was robbed, no one there but all they took was MY TARTS..... And now she is out except for the few they must not have liked Red Hots and HSH, not spice lovers, I guess. And since she needs more soon, can I get her order out right away???? What do you think? I told her I just couldn't cause all of my customers are out. I'll do what I can...

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Well, at least she was "robbed" by discriminating robbers. But ya know, IF I was going to rob a place I don't think I'd be taking the time to stand around and sniff which ones I want and leave the rest. And only take tarts? IF I was going to rob a place I'd take everything I could get my greedy hands on. :D Imagine going to hell for stealing...tarts.

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I didn't read that she was asking for a free restock or anything, so like debscent said, just do it at your earliest convenience. And then maybe in the future add a clause to your wholesale contract that in the case of loss a rush charge will be added and only guaranteed to be filled a certain amt of time faster if there are other standing orders waiting to be filled. Does that make sense? Like instead of the 4 standard weeks, a rush charge will guarantee them a 2 or 3 wk wait instead... whatever you are comfortable with if it is possible at all.

This is kind of a funny story and I would love to know exactly HOW MANY of your tarts were taken? Are we talking a display box full, a hand full, or what? How many is she asking for a replacement for? And what else does she sell that a persons tarts would be the best thing they could take, lol? I know they are smaller than a jar candle so maybe they were just quicker, easier to grab and carry out. ??:confused:

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Told her my tarts may be selling on the black market. ha.. Just thought it was a different kind of story and thought you all would get a laugh. This is a place in Indiana.[/quote]

LMAO 'cause this is where I live (in Miller)...I'll be on the look-out for "black market" tarts:laugh2:

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Maybe they already did the sniff test and came back for the haul.They knew just what they wanted.Cased the tarts and made the getaway.HA!!!!!!!!I can see it in the paper.Store robbed of tarts. I wouldn't ask for police report.Take her word even if it is far fetched.In this day and age anything is possible. I am near Indiana too.I agree to hire some help if you are far behind.Just till you get caught up. LynnS

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"The Queen of Hearts,

She made some tarts,

All on a summer's day;

The Knave of Hearts,

He stole the tarts,

And took them clean away.

The King of Hearts

Called for the tarts,

And beat the Knave full sore;

The Knave of Hearts

Brought back the tarts,

And vowed he'd steal no more"

Thought I'd heard this story somewhere before. Be careful! That Knave of Hearts could be dangerous!

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My tarts are damn good. And I make them to order so I'm always running behind...oh lord.... I'm slow I admit it, right now the orders I have since 1st of year total are over 1000 dozen tarts. Plus I have been pouring a couple of orders that got in at the end of last year. I took 2 weeks off and told everyone I would not start back up until after Jan. 2nd. None of my customers have a contract and can leave any/not order at any time. They have run out of their Christmas orders and are all stocking up big. That's the problem, I do have help, not every day but as much as they can work.

How many dozen tarts can you all make per day. That's pour clean and wrap in separate bags? I realize the clam shells might be quicker but it's just not how I do it. Also pouring into molds I'm sure saves time but I pour into the foil cups so also have to line each tray with the foil first. Some day I might be able to afford some sort of faster equipment, you would think so with all I sell, but hasn't happened. I can only get maybe 3 to 4 hundred dozen done a week and by then I have that many more that are ordered. No need to explain but it makes me feel like I'm doing something right, not all but all for right now.

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"The Queen of Hearts,

She made some tarts,

All on a summer's day;

The Knave of Hearts,

He stole the tarts,

And took them clean away.

The King of Hearts

Called for the tarts,

And beat the Knave full sore;

The Knave of Hearts

Brought back the tarts,

And vowed he'd steal no more"

Thought I'd heard this story somewhere before. Be careful! That Knave of Hearts could be dangerous!

Too cute, thanks.... Still hard to believe but I am going to send her some for this weekend sales.....

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