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Left over wax...

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I'm not sure what to do with my left over wax. I guess this seems like a silly problem, but when I finish a tester and have a little wax left over what should I do with it? Let it harden and scoop it out and throw it away? Or what about tart wax when it loses it's oomph? Where does it go? Can't throw it down the drain!

What do you do with your old wax that's lost it's scent or that you are done with?

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Well, above all - DO NOT POUR IT DOWN THE DRAIN!! You'll be calling a plumber real soon if you do.

I would say it depends on how much you have left. Small amounts can be just poured into the trash. If I have enough to pour my smallest mold or container (depending on wax type), I just pour a few extra small ones instead of wasting anything. Some people use lidded food storage containers to store leftover wax in, but it really depends on how soon you think you'll be using it - some plastics also mess up the fragrance and absorb the dyes, so you have to get the right type,which I have no idea about. Small amounts of colored and fragranced are most likely not worth their storage space, so unless you foresee a need for it within a short time, I'd just pour it into the trash.

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With all of the money that I've spent on this "wonderful" hobby, I hated throwing wax out when the tarts loose their scent or there is a 1/4 in left in a container. I started saving the used (but empty) tealite tins and use the leftover wax for tealites. I don't care if they don't smell or are a funny color. They're just going to be in the bottom of my tealite warmer anyway. It makes me feel a little better when I paying my VISA bill. Which I just did and OMG what did I do!!! :D

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I have made firestarters with them, but they don't move too fast around here. I am fixing to start using them in my leftover veggie cans, paint the outsides with glow in the dark paint and call them "Survival Candles". My thought is that you could definitely find it in the dark.

I haven't tried these yet, so who knows how well they will go over. That way, I'm not wasting wax and I'm recycling the cans. HTH Portia

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