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Sample size jars

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I was at a craft show today and saw a man with sample scents in these tiny little jars. You know, no wick, just enough scented wax to customers can know what they like. Well these jars were maybe 2 inches tall and 2 inches in diameter, maybe a little smaller. They were so cute!! Does anyone know where I can find anything like these?



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If your wanting it just so they can smell the scent then what about tarts...that would mean no container. Or how about like the little condiment cups. Just some ideas:)


I do plan on getting those little condiment cups, but the only place I've found that carries them is currently out of stock for something.. (the Add To Cart button isnt there lol) It was a good deal too :(

Havent decided on the jars, but I did find them on Lonestar. Thank you everyone!! I know where to get them from now if I choose to go that route. :cheesy2:

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Ash, do you have a Hobby Lobby or one of those type of stores around you? I have seen some of them there before. Look in the candy aisle. Or how about something like a little candy mold that you make make them in? Still trying to come up with ideas:wink2:


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Ash, do you have a Hobby Lobby or one of those type of stores around you? I have seen some of them there before. Look in the candy aisle. Or how about something like a little candy mold that you make make them in? Still trying to come up with ideas:wink2:


I do have a Hobby Lobby here.. hm... I'm definatly going to have to check that out. Thanks! :D

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I have the 1.5 oz oval hex jars from Lonestar- my 3 yo daughter LOVES them lol... They are sneaky to wick though- I'm using C-3 soy and made the mistake of "knowing" that htp- 41's would be "perfect"... had to go back and order 52's. sigh.... I have plenty of 41's now though lol. The jars are just long enough that the wick drowned by the time the wax reached the widest point. Oh, and one more thing- make SURE you don't get the long neck wick tabs for these- the 10mm tall necks go halfway up the jar! Use the 3mm ones!!!


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They are the 1.5 oz. I know they come in 12 sided, hex, and someone (don't remember who) had the round ones (mini jelly jars). Those were called sample jars. Really! :D They all have the gold (some white) twist lids.

Check around, alot of places have them. Fillmore, WSP, Early American,etc.

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I must be missing something here...if you are at a craft show with a table full of candles, why would you want to give a potential customer a sample jar to smell? If someone did that to me my first thought would be the sample is loaded with scent, but the actual candles aren't going to smell that good.

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I must be missing something here...if you are at a craft show with a table full of candles, why would you want to give a potential customer a sample jar to smell? If someone did that to me my first thought would be the sample is loaded with scent, but the actual candles aren't going to smell that good.

It's a good idea to have samples in case you run out of a certain scent...It happened to me on Sunday, thank goodness I had the samples because the person placed a $140 order for the fragrance I'd sold out of.

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