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Not all that sure I like these..


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Are you kidding?? Come on why would you not like these or think others wouldn't?? Phishing for compliments? ;) LOL

I think though you should turn one so we can see the top of the ribbon and get a better idea of how they look, ya know?

How much do they weigh? Even if they are only an ounce each, $2.25 for 2 is waaaay too cheap, maybe $2.25 for 1, but even that I think is too cheap.

Of course only YOU know how soaps sell for you on ebay, I have a hard enough time trying to sell really expensive things on there and getting even a fraction of what I paid for them, so I'm no help on the Ebay front, just always end up frustrated and pissed. ;)

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Oh and I bought a red from someone in the classy's that works REALLY well in M&P for a christmas/bright red.

This is what's on the bottle:

Nashville Waxworks

120 Lick Street (LOL funny)

Goodlettsville, TN


Soap Coloring

1oz. $1.75

It's red but not sure what they call it, since there is no color name on the bottle.

Oh, is that a mold or did you do those yourself? Either way, I'm always in AWE of your creations with M&P, truly amazing girl!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm going to call Nashville Wick Works right now..I would love to be able to pour a red..and, I will take a photo of them from a different angle..they were made from a mold..really, not fishing for compliments because all I really do is melt and pour..this soap on these was all left over...I make enough on ebay to pay my fees and restock my supplies, and not much more..my retail stores allow me the luxury of listing on ebay..I'm having the Do a website/Don't do a website tug of war going on right now. My best retailer in my town is the first person who carried my stuff..lol..my dog groomer..lol..I swear she sells the most soaps and candles from me..I also have the more victorian styles in a gift show, beauty salon and more recently our hospital gift shop. I will still do grubbies for a local mercantile here in town that has an old west theme.

Thanks for the tip on the red color..I will be thrilled if I could produce red..you have no idea how many RED dyes I own that come out varying shades of pink..

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dag nabbit..their phone is disconnected...someone once told me to take clear glycerin soap, put some red food color in it..let it cool and then use it like I would a color block..anyone ever heard of that? Also..I'm probably going to get in trouble but it's kinda on topic..I pour ribbon candy in wax also..but..here's what I do..I pour it so all the ribbons match..then I take one of those pepperidge farm frozen cake with white frosting..now..I do a cross pattern with the ribbon candy on the top of the cake and going down the sides..then..I get fresh flowers, cut the stems to 3" or so..I use red roses or red carnations..and I stick them in the middle of the cross..sooo, when you're done it looks like a gift wrapped box....I've tried using real ribbon candy but I had to buy 8 boxes to get 8 pieces that matched and weren't broken, I wouldn't do it with soap but if any of you work with wax also..it's a great centerpiece for the upcoming holidays..

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Ooooooh I'd LOVE to see a pic. of that cake you were talking about, I bet that is gorgeous!!!! :)

Sorry to hear that the phone number is disconnected for that supplier, dang it. :( I tried looking for them on the web, but came up empty also, bummer.

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I wouldn't worry about the wax on the cake really. There is canning wax that is food safe- and I beleive it's just straight parafin. You could use that if you don't already. Just remember to tell everyone not to eat the 'wraping' lol. OOOO- you could use lip flavor oils to flavor and scent it!! lol:D

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