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Is this a hard thing to learn or should I stick to candle making? I mean it only took me three yrs b4 I had it down to a science with that. I read some of the how to's and it looks pretty easy but so did candle making til I actually did it.

Since I do not know the difference between the initials you use on this side nor much about the cold or hot process, How would ya'll recommend me starting?

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It's kinda like candlemaking. Making a candle is easy. Anyone can do it! But getting it right takes practice and patience.

And one more good thing about soap... NO FREAKIN WICKS!!! Lol!!

Check out this link for common soap terms http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1797

And the CP/HP debate? I'd do one of each and see which one you like better.. They each have their own postives and negatives. But you end up with the same thing. Soap!

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I started with lotion bars and lip balms, but just couldn't ignore the allure of the chemistry of soap... And I'm hooked. In between I tried some simple votive candles and couldn't get those to work out to save my life.

I say if you have the patience ot master candles you are WAY ahead onthe soap game - I think soap is more forgiving though you can probably more easily remelt wax than do the rebatching some love for soap (I don't rebatch, I TOSS!).

My first batch or two was Hot Process (Crock Pot) - CPHP to be exact. It was good cause I could see the soap go through it's stages and get an understanding of it. Now I mostly do CP which is technically easier for me - melt, mix, pour, wait.... But still go back to HP sometimes. I think both are equally simple/complex in the end, it's just a matter of at what point you get confused (LOL). And personal preference, of course.

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As far as what to start with I say HP. Now understand that I am biased and love HP, but the reason I say this is because you can use it right away and see your results.

I have to say there is no thrill quite like the very first time you use soap you made in your shower!

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I started making In The Mold Oven Process soaps shortly after I perfected (ok not perfected because I'm always trying something new!) my candle making. I think they are both a challenge at times, but they both have their addicting parts! I tried CPHP for my first batch and I didn't like the gloppiness of it. I tried true CP but I didn't like having to wait a month to see if it worked. Then a friend of mine turned me on to the ITMOP and I loved it! Mix, pour, toss it in the oven for a spell, turn off the oven and let it sit - cut it and test it out! Granted soap, like candles, perform better after a cure but atleast I could find out if I liked the inital "feel" of the soap.

Best thing to do is grab some oils, lye and water at a local store, dig through your FO supply and find a few oils that are soap safe, and give it a whirl... you wont' know til ya try!

Best of luck to ya!

Life & Light!


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Bath and body making is experimenting and tweeking recipes to your liking. To me that hardest part is coming up with the recipe rather than making the product. I've been making b&b for a year and a half now and am finally understanding the ingredients and reactions. Most people can follow a recipe but actually learning about making b&b comes from using all types of ingredients and how they react to make that final product. Just like with cooking and baking, you can follow a recipe but real cooking comes from knowing why certain ingredients make the final product. Same with b&b.

I love making cphp but that is just my opinion and each person has their own druthers on which process they prefer. I made cp once and made such a mess of my kitchen and myself. lol I enjoy cphp b/c I love to watch the saponification process and no trouble with my fo's seizing my soap and I get to use the bar right away. CP is great b/c you can do so many swirls and fancy things with the appearance of the soap. As far as telling the difference, others can tell the difference between the two soaps but honestly I can't tell and I've tried to see the difference but I just don't see it. I say do both processes and see which you like better.

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I much more prefer CP over HP Yes I AM HOOKED NOW!! I don't like having glop my soap in the molds. With CP you can do so many things and it comes out sooooo much smoother than HP. I've made 2 batches and can't wait til I can get more made up. The only thing I hate is the curing time UGHHH :(

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It seems just like candle making there are a lot of different techniques to get to the finshed product with soap making as well. I think I will go to the craft house here and get some stuff and see what I can come up with. The good thing is most of my FO's are soap safe! (dont have to spend $$ on those)

Thanks everyone for your help and honesty about your favs. AND maybe I will even show you my finished products....;)

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It's really not that difficult. I actually prefer LS over all the others. But that's probably because I never really cared for bar soap. I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to just concentrate on LS and maybe offer GM soap for bars. All the space it takes from my other B&B is causing problems right now. When I get rid of all it I will have decided...lol...

I need a place for jewelry, candles, soap and B&B..it just aint working right now..but then there is still the basement!:D

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