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overwhelmed newbie looking for help finding suppliers and good prices

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I just started making soy candles a couple weeks ago and I am hooked. :drool:

I bought my kit from Just by Nature which included GW444 wax and RRD40 wicks. I would like some advice on your preferences of the best soy wax (for containers) and wicks(which will not mushroom so much). I will to stick with the soy wax container candles, but I am overwhelmed with my searches for ingredients, I odviously would like to find the best prices too. I don't like the look of the jelly jars so I am also looking for a good place for jars. And then there is the scents. I hope you can all help me get off to a good start in this craft (and hopefully profession)

I would also like to know if anyone has advice on dipping animals and where to get them.

I'm sure I will think of more questions to pick your brains in the future.

Thank you in advance for all of your help.:D

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I would recomment checking out Bitter Creek's website. They ship fast, have great scents that throw well in soy, and in my opinion great prices.

I use the EZ Soy from Bitter Creek and I am quite pleased with it, although the candle I poured last night has a lot of wet spots this morning. But wet spots aren't enough to get me to switch waxes! Even the most high priced candles will have wet spots.

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For dipping bears I like Millcreek and Sherryssoycandles.com. Millcreek has good fragrance oils. I like Candle Cocoon also. Do searches for particluar scents and you will get opinions on who has best. Just Scent can be hit or miss on their oils although I like the ultimate vanilla.

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You got of to a good start with buying a kit. Now one of your best friends will be the search feature of this site. There you will get opinions of older and new candle makers. Next thing is start a little slower one thing at a time, research out your candles first in one type of wax and jar then perfect it. Then move on to the next thing don't try to do it all at once.

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Welcome to the board from a fellow Hoosier! You are up there in my grandma's (former) neck of the woods. I still have cousins that live in Garrett and Butler.

Millcreek in Kewanna, and ICS near South Bend have great FOs, and Southern Scentsations in Michigan have good ones too. Millcreek and Southern Scentsations house brand wax is actually Golden Brands 415, a good all-around soy wax. Whichever one has the best shipping costs shoud be your choice, should you choose one of those two.


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I agree with buying the kit. But I think RRD's are kind of a rough start. You should order some sample packs of various wicks to see which suits you best. Also if you are aleady using 444 maybe even try the 464 if you are going for blends anyway. Some suppliers send out sample sizes for a small fee. Millcreek and I believe Soycandles.com does too! Peaks is not a bad company to work with either. Just test some samples from various sites that are often praised on this board and try it out. Everyone has a different opinions on scents. Geek is right! I have worked with Millcreek and Southern scentsations both great companies to work with. I am jealous you guy are at least in the same state. I have Gateway and they are all the way down south from me.

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I started with the same kit. And I really like working with JBN. The wax worked great but I did make a switch to a local supplier because of the shipping costs. I use C3 and I love it. But I did like the JBN oils and they are tested in soy. They also have great customer service but I have to say most of the populat companies do as well. I would suggest to find a local supplier of wax to help save on shipping. Then try some sample packs of oils from other companies out there like Millcreek, Bittercreek, etc. There are so many to play with.

Enjoy and have fun with it.

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All of the information you all have given me has been so helpful. Thanks again. So far so good on my candles, I just got my new shipment from mc and it's killing me to wait til tomorrow when my jars are here to make more candles. I took one of my dipped bunnies and a candle last night to show some friends and they were a big hit. I hope I can continue to be so enthusiastic about this, I love this board, I've gotten some great ideas and advice. Thanks again.:D

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