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Website Promotion


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Keywords - also known as metatags are the words that get picked up in a search. Not knowing what type of website you have, let's say it is all candles - you would have keywords such as: "votive, romatic aroma scents gifts, hand crafted Candles, Handmade soy & paraffin candles, Wholesale & retail candle company" etc. They are words that people would google search (for example) and your company site would be listed.

hope i explained that ok. I just woke up from a nap!

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We promote our site constantly. We had a few T-Shirts done up with printed logo's and I have graphics placed on my cars. As far as online I am signed up with definates.com and have a promotional running presently with targeted traffic. Just remember if you go for traffic programs TARGETED is the key word here. Good Luck

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Some of my traffic is generated by Google / MSN searches. People are looking for a certain fragrance or type of candle, for example.

A lot of my traffic is generated by satisfied customers who post links to my site on another site. For example, I just had this link pointed out to me yesterday. I was surprised, shocked, and humbled! (I don't handle being praised well. LOL I'm happy, but at the same time it makes me a tad embarrassed. heh heh)



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As a retired webdesigner, I'll tell you that a great way to promote your site without spending much money is to promote it off the web.. locally. Sounds silly but it works.

I've seen several small busnesses in my area do it. By having t-shirts printed, magnets for your car. local ads & flyers with your web address printed largely. I live in a large metro area though. I guess for someone out in the country it wouldn't do as much for you to do it this way. But otherwise it's a great way to build up your web business with local customers.

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We promote our site constantly. We had a few T-Shirts done up with printed logo's and I have graphics placed on my cars. As far as online I am signed up with definates.com and have a promotional running presently with targeted traffic. Just remember if you go for traffic programs TARGETED is the key word here. Good Luck

Yes, Listen to Diamond Creek, They REALLY know how to promote themselves. :laugh2:

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I offer some very good advertising for craft websites at really good rates. I own and operate three online crafters marketplaces... please do check them out.

<links removed>

If you or anyone has questions I am here and return all emails asap!!

Prim Blessings,


Hey, quick question... How can you write an unbiased review of someones candle if you make and sell them your self? And if the site is for candle customers, why would you list candle making supply sites?

Also "thecandlebuzz"..... seems really familiar? Where have I seen a site like that?


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I like sandyrose's way.I think that is the way to advertise.Locals.I do shows but some live almost 30-40 miles who buy.I live in a rural area and what I really think is getting that certain scent someone wants is the selling point.I took my candles to a clinic I organize and people spent a long time trying to decide so that made me happy.They liked them all.Even was told by someone he could smell them coming around the building.He got one and I had other sales.Lids on and people loved them.I just haven't been out promoting.

GOOGLE and MSN sounds good too but have no idea how to do that.I do get traffic on my site and happy about that.Of course I click in myself at least once or twice a day.HA!!!!

Off to make candles,tarts and lotion.I am 2 weeks behind.Deaths, clinic,and I was sick week-end and yesterday.Now I am ready.Was able to get to candle supply place today and now I will be going FULL FORCE for 3 days.


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Type in the word "search engines" and start listing your site with every single one that comes up. It is very tedious and time consuming, but pays off in the end.

It may take awhile too - no one that I know put a website up one day and it took off the next. I have had mine for 4+ years and I still only get about 150-250 visitors a day, but I do get visitors :)

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