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  1. I have never tried CBL 130 maybe that will help.
  2. Bittercreek has them. Tvg does not sell just the lids as far as I know.
  3. No, no palm and I am doing everything the same as I always have. I guess it is a variation but I have called all over and no one has a different lot number.
  4. Nope did not overheat the wax and the Fo is brand spankin new and it is from NG. The wax before I even melt it it has a slight oder. Weird? But hey it is an IGI product so who the hell knows, every batch varies with them (as all wax co's) maybe they just produce more batches and that is why we see constant changes.... but man I never had a tart that smells like burning crayons. These people are gonna make me pull my project outta my back pocket!
  5. No, I have 7. I never had an issue with any of them. 3 tealight . 2 lang and hello they suck ,the wattage is just too freaking low so they never really get hot enough to throw but you can't beat how cute they are and 2 hot plate ones from tartburners.com Every one smells like crayons man! So now my question is how the heck am I going to make 100 mini slices of cake by Monday with crayola. Dude I don't have time to test new wax! I have been making candles for 6 years and been in business for 4. I found the stuff that worked for me and never strayed, why fix what ain't broke right? I have played with blends in spare time..... but never really had anything that was "better". Plus for this application I need them to be hard, 1 pour and very opaque and have a strong throw. So 4794 and CBL 141 is out for the opaque and one pour thing. Any blending suggestions? Please? Anyone.... Help a sister out?
  6. Okay can someone tell me why all of the sudden my tarts are smelling like burning crayons and the scent that I can smell is only lasting 2 hours? I use Astorlite V for my bakery tarts and they SUCK now! They used to be so strong and last at least 8 hours for the little .07 oz cakes. I need a replacement wax fast to fill my orders. Any recommendations for a new wax for tarts to release from silicone molds. Help would be appreciated!
  7. Golden Brands. Its a very soft soy wax. Cheap too. It works wonders for wet spots.
  8. Try adding 10-20 % GB402. It will clear those spots right up. You may have to adjust your wick up but most likely not.
  9. Dude! Go to angelfire.com! $8.95 a month and the domain is included! No banners no ads GREAT SERVICE and ALWAYS SOMEONE THERE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS ONLINE! Make sure you update you CC info when your exp date expires cause you will not get a reminder. That is the only issue I have ever had. Are you going to be able to get a refund???
  10. Hey Lisa, Who did these for you? They look incredible! Can you post the link?
  11. Oh anyone using the V? Am I the only one smelling burnt crayons and plastic when you melt it?
  12. All of the Astor waxes have changed for the worst. If you are a J50 user try makes scents candle supply. The 300 blend is the original J50 that he has blended by one of the wax manufactures.
  13. Try the molds on ebay and there is one chick that I can't think of her name right now..... If you type in like embed molds or prim molds she usually comes up. Anyway they look like a really big ice cube tray. You can also try Jags Molds Flexible Molds The Mold Making Handyman Maybe Buzzy Bee can give some imput because chunks are her thing.
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