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Space reservations at shows...


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Has anyone ever entered a show and you were able to e-mail/contact the promoter and ask them to "hold your space" without sending in a payment? I've had a lot of people contact me and almost demand that I "hold" a space for them. Or they'll just send the form saying it's to hold a space. I have on the application that no space is guaranteed until I receive the payment and form.

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I did once, and the show was not very successful. Some of the vendors did not turn up. It was probably because they did not have to pay to reserve the space, the money was collected on the day of the show itself. If they didn't pay yet, I would sell the space to someone else who came along with the money. After all your application form did say it's not guaranteed until payment is made.

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Nope. We don't even get the guarantee of where we'll be. We can request. A couple of shows give us an opportunity to pick a space, but that's it.

Another show will let us have our space back if we want it, but we have to enclose check and say put us here etc.

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All of the shows I have ever done, have been pay with application. No money, no spot. One of my regular Xmas shows requires a deposit at the end of the show for the next year's show, (balance paid by June 1st). I think it is only reasonable to pay the booth fee well in advance. How else is the show going to get organized and well promoted? Don't let them leave you hanging, find others who have the cash to pay you. My 2 cents. Janette

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Yeah. I would be very wary about these people that demand a space without payment or appl form. I'm thinking deadbeats, no-shows., etc.

I agree...

I was just wondering if this "give me a space I'll send my money later" stuff was starting to become the norm. I'm not having it though. I've told the couple of people who've done it that they must pay first. The only company that's guaranteed a spot is mine!!!! :D

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As a courtesy one of my regular shows holds the space for me. Spefically because I am a local and the local clientel likes to find me easily. I do pay before the show though, and they don't even do the floor plan till the day before the show. So it all works out.

I would have a deadline for them to pay. And use your best judgement. So if they are regular vendors, why not make them happy?

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I have never heard of "holding" a space with no money. Just tell them quite simply that the money is what "holds" the space. No money, no space. That is not rude, that is just a good business practice and respectable business people will understand and respect that. Ask them if they give away their products to people and let them pay later--will probably put them in the right frame of mind. :grin2:

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I'm wary of you having space at your own show. It reeks of bias. A professionally run show would never allow you time to man your own space. I would never return to a show where the promoter had the best space and spent time promoting her own products. I wouldn't go in the first place if I knew that fact ahead of time.

As for paying, no pay, no space, no exceptions.

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I'm wary of you having space at your own show. It reeks of bias. A professionally run show would never allow you time to man your own space. I would never return to a show where the promoter had the best space and spent time promoting her own products. I wouldn't go in the first place if I knew that fact ahead of time.

As for paying, no pay, no space, no exceptions.

Yes, I have a space at my own shows and believe me, they have not been the best AND I also have people there to man my table for me so I can be available for my vendors. Not only do I patrol the aisles constantly and check on each and every vendor several times during the show. I've also watched the booths so they can take potty breaks and the list goes on and on. And that's how my professionally run show works and has run smoothly each and every time. Thankfully, I've continued to work with excellent vendors and excellent locations and any issues that may occur are minimal. I know anything can happen, but that's where making sure you're on top of everything and having helpers can come in handy.

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I would have a deadline for them to pay. And use your best judgement. So if they are regular vendors, why not make them happy?

There is a deadline on the form and each time I talk to a potential vendor I mention it again. There are a handful of regulars that should they need something special I would do my best to accomodate them. But, I've been dealing with people who's VERY FIRST conversation with me starts off with, "Can you hold a space for me, I'll send the payment in 3 weeks." HECK NO!!!:P

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I have a friend that runs two shows a year and she "pays" for her space out of the time and effort that she puts into the show. She has her spot way in one corner (definately not "prime real estate"!). She has her kids run her booth (she just does informational stuff - catalogs and such) so it's a no brainer. Her eldest son helps run check-in and such, otherwise she's runnin' around helping people before, durring and after the show. She is a friend of mine but I still pay her atleast half upfront to "reserve" my space. I have never done a show where over half wasn't due at application time, if not all. Most of the ones that were half were ones that I paid for 9 months in advance and then the rest was due 3 months before show date. These were also shows were the booth price was over $150-200 for a space (3-4 day shows).

I'd say have them pay - it would guarantee you a vendor and them good advertising and promotion (at least I would hope so!).


Life & Light!


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There is a deadline on the form and each time I talk to a potential vendor I mention it again. There are a handful of regulars that should they need something special I would do my best to accomodate them. But, I've been dealing with people who's VERY FIRST conversation with me starts off with, "Can you hold a space for me, I'll send the payment in 3 weeks." HECK NO!!!:P
That's the right away to do it. If they don't seem to realize the procedure, just reiterate what is on the form. Sometimes they may not have read the instructions carefully.
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I have only had one show hold my regular spot(for the last 4 years)..and it is run by my cousin who just received free candles for her wedding :). I just have to have the money in a month ahead of time. No discounts either.

I would not expect my spot to be held without money. These type people are the ones that send out the applications to shows they really want to do,but like another one to "fall back on" I have seen this alot at mall shows around here..they just require a $50 non refundable deposit..the rest due on the second day of a 3 day show.

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I have a friend that runs two shows a year and she "pays" for her space out of the time and effort that she puts into the show.

Yeah, it's lots of hard work...After my last show there was a vendor who wanted to do her own show and thought that it was a piece of cake. Unfortunately, it bombed. The show at this place in the ghetto and a well known high crime area. She charged $100 per space and have room for 70 vendors. She only gpt 8 including herself and had to come out of her pocket to pay the rest of the $2400 space. Not to mention, when I went to the show, she wasn't even there. She's now realized it's not as easy as it looks and location means a hell of a lot!!!

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It wouldn't even occur to me to ask a promoter to hold my spot without payment. I think these people have quite the nerve. Some of the applications I get say they won't accept you if you don't send a SASE with the app. If it's an expensive show, I could see someone asking to make payments, but still...

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All my shows are pay in advance, but I do a local show 2 x a year and have done it for 4 yrs and they have let me pay as late as the day of the show. They know I am good for it, I have the same spot and tons of repeat customers come looking for me.

But, I would never expect anyone to save me a spot, $$$ is due with application, the instance above is not the norm

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One I paid ahead and the man e-mailed me back and said I have a space and will find out where the day of the show.

The other show I pay ahead and I send them a self addressed stamped envelope and they send me back confirmation if I am in or not if I want to know ahead.I am sure they will also let those at the end(when paying) notify by phone if they get in or not.Usually I pay 2-3 months in advance but ask for confirmation.Pretty much know I am in though.

One show last year I waited till the last minute and the lady knew me so I got in and paid the night of set up. This year they are making their spaces bigger so maybe not many are doing it.The only thing last year it was COLD.I had my heater on but still not real comfortable.Not good for candles either.That doggone frosting when to cold or to hot.


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If you hold a space for them without payment and they don't turn up on the day of the show, your losing those booth fees isn't the worst part. The worst part is that the event will look empty and discourage the shoppers, causing all the vendors to lose business. In the end, everybody suffers.

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