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A quick rant


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I love Just Scent. I think Becky has some great oils, and is reasonably priced. She ships to the UK, which is good and I've been pleased with the oils I received so far.

However, I am getting sick to the back teeth of the "sale" emails. They come so thick and fast that when one "sale" ends, another begins. How many sales can one company have?? It seems to me she may as well just reduce the price of every oil she has and be done with it, cos just about every oil she sells is in a sale at some point in the space of about a month.

I DO want to hear when there is a good offer going on when it comes to FO sales, but it's got to the point now where I just don't bother reading her emails anymore (not only because they're always so looooooooong) and I've just removed myself from her mailing list.

Now it's an "all or nothing" situation - I either get spammed spammed spammed with the NEVER-ENDING sale at Just Scent, or I don't hear a thing and could miss out on one of the very few sales they have that is different to all the others.

Yea, I know, you gotta try and get ahead in the fiercly competitive FO market, but hey - stop bashing my inbox with HUGE emails, telling me about the amazing sale you're having which is exactly the same as the sale you had last week, and the week before, and the week before that..and the month before that...etc etc.

Phew, sorry - rant over.

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Interesting point you are bringing up.

Generally speaking, unless a business is uber large (like Amazon), I don't expect a weekly email notifying of sales. I subscribe to many lists and the majority send out no more than one a month, some only a couple times in a year.

It would be interesting to know how many people just delete their newsletter emails and how many actually read them. I tend to delete the ones that come more often and read the ones that are less predictable.

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I don't subscribe to newsletters often any more for that reason I get bombarded with them every week I am more like to read the monthly newsletter or the ones that come in rarely than a weekly newsletter and honestly I am more likely to come here and check out our own suppliers specials then even read the newsletter because I am already looking for something from that supplier anyway. No matter how good of a sale some one has I don't buy just because that sale if I am already buying then I will checkout the specials and may add them to try. Okay I will qualify I might buy because of free shipping even if I don't need something already.

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I read some of her emails but NattyCat is right. They are too long and you can't have a super sale every week, then they are just weekly sales. I got bored with them, then when she ranted and complained and bitched about people in her newsletter, I decided that if she could air her dirty laundry in a newsletter, what in the world could she do to me or with my personal information. Then I read about some real shitty stuff she did to one of our CT members. I would have unsubscribed but the newsletter stopped coming right soon after. I didn't care. I dumped her as a supplier before she dumped me as a customer. IMO she is unstable and I'm better off without her.

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I know. Hitting that delete button is just more than a person can take huh?

Geeze Louise. Bitch if your water is wet too?

Kinda funny that just about every post you've made outside of the classifieds is in support of Good Ol' Becs. Does she pay you or just give you lots of 1oz freebies?

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I read some of her emails but NattyCat is right. They are too long and you can't have a super sale every week, then they are just weekly sales. I got bored with them, then when she ranted and complained and bitched about people in her newsletter, I decided that if she could air her dirty laundry in a newsletter, what in the world could she do to me or with my personal information. Then I read about some real shitty stuff she did to one of our CT members. I would have unsubscribed but the newsletter stopped coming right soon after. I didn't care. I dumped her as a supplier before she dumped me as a customer. IMO she is unstable and I'm better off without her.

You have some extemely valid points. *getdown*

IMO a supplier should always be aware of their business image.

Not only about the quality of their products and customer service. But how they interact with others. Pulling a stunt like she did with a potentially HUGE customer was one of the most unprofessional things I have ever seen.

And yes~ I did see it with my own eyes.

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I read some of her emails but NattyCat is right. They are too long and you can't have a super sale every week, then they are just weekly sales. I got bored with them, then when she ranted and complained and bitched about people in her newsletter, I decided that if she could air her dirty laundry in a newsletter, what in the world could she do to me or with my personal information. Then I read about some real shitty stuff she did to one of our CT members. I would have unsubscribed but the newsletter stopped coming right soon after. I didn't care. I dumped her as a supplier before she dumped me as a customer. IMO she is unstable and I'm better off without her.

I must've missed this...what happened???

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I get weekly emails from a couple of places. Luckily, all they do is identify items they have on sale that week or if a new item came in they mention that. No stories, no gossip. I appreciate sale notices.

The emails I get once a month from suppliers I tend to forget about. Unless I order almost as soon as I get them, I typically forget about their stuff by the end of the month.

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The stuff about bitching about her customers. Well, it was in one of her newsletters. She was talking shit about someone who posted that they didn't like her oils. She went into a tirade in her newsletter about. I doubt that I kept a copy, I know how to hit the "delete" button. As far as the shit she pulled on one of the CT members, that isn't for me to repeat. If the person it happened to wants to go over it again, she can.

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Well thank You Carrie and MA for trying to protect the innocent....lol

Ok guys, here it goes. Good ole Becs...well she isnt as nice as she seems. I had posted on a couple of threads that her oils didnt work for me. I did not start these threads, I would just comment when I was having the same problem other people were. I also commented on a thread on another board. A lot of members agreed that my post was one of the nicer ones. I even said I liked Becky, thought she was a nice person and fun to talk to and her Chestnuts and Brown Sugar ROCKS....but that didnt change the fact that most of her oils didnt work for me. She even bashed my favorite supplier to me on the phone.:mad:

I didnt order from her, mainly because the only oil I was going to use from her was C&BS. I had to break down and order from her because the replacement I had found for it was OOS with the other supplier. When I got my order she included printouts from this board and the other board of my comments. They had ? marks on them and was circled in red pen. I felt like my grammer school teacher was checking my work! She also included a little note.

SO, there it is...spelled out for all you Just Crap fans.

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Seems pretty unfair to single out one person who stated nicely that some oils didn't work for them. Sorry that happened to you Kim definetly bad business. It is nice to have sales, but IMO a sale every week is just to confusing. I can see a sale on fo's one week, a sale on B and B stuff another week, a sale on containers another week, this makes sense to me and those companies that do have sales every week seem to do this for the most part. Maybe some of the suppliers shouldn't visit the boards if they don't want to hear the issues people are having with their products. It's called feedback. When I get feedback from my customers, I take it seriously, if I think it is changeable I will change it, if not, I will freely admit I can not change it and then the customer will make a decision on what they want to do. This is why, and always will be why Peak's will be my #1 supplier of products that are affordable for me to have shipped to the east coast, they go above and beyond and always willing to work with you. A simple hand written thanks for you order goes a long way, not a printed comment made on a learning board printed and corrected, just so unprofessional. If I took every comment from customers to heart, I would be a basket case. I know there are many of you that think I am a basket case LOL.

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That story simply STILL floors me, Kimberly. Seriously and utterly FLOORS me. It is just the epitome of unprofessional, imo. Every single supplier I have out there has some oils that work for me and some that don't. If someone asks me for my opinion, I give it. NEVER have I ever been "reprimanded" by a supplier for doing so.

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