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** What's in your pot for the week/end? **

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What new scents are ya'll working on this weekend? Can't believe it's the middle of August already.

This weekend is a 2 day fair along the Rogue River in a little town called Shady Cove. 8 hours Sat and 5 hours on Sun, and it's an hour and a half away from home. I'm trying to keep positive, I'm booth #62 in a long line of 62 booths :) Only other thing after me is a thrice-daily puppet show. At least it's supposed to be perfect weather - 88F and clear.

In fact I'm so positive I've stop labeling product and will just do it there to keep me busy lol... I'll cut and glue soap boxes, stick bubble balls in their boxes, wrap samples...

Have a great weekend!

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I've got a show this weekend as well. A quilt & craft show an hour & 15 mins from home (I've never gone that far for a show!) I've heard good things about it from a vendor who's done it in the past (selling other items) So I really hope it's good for me as well!

Good luck Robin & others with shows!

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Trying to get my son over to install a new hard drive in my computer at home. Glad it shot craps now before the busy rush of the fall season. But dang ... hate that it even crashed in the first place. Blah! :mad:

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Good luck Robin!!

Two more days of a weeklongish show going on for us. It's past time to get ready for the season.

I just did the blackberry jam cookies, so what else that's new to get into something -- will be working on endless love to see what I think, twigs & berries (before I get in trouble), country berry hotcakes since we can't keep it in stock along with honeysuckle. And it really is time to get back to soaping and stuff.

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Good luck this weekend Robin!;)

I'm working candles for next weekends three day show. I'm testing and pouring Peaks Creme Brulee and then pour Wisteria and Blizzard. I hope to be stocking my wholesale accounts today because I need to go buy more jars.

Have a great weekend everyone and good luck with your shows!


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Am doing a local fair on Saturday, it's in conjunction with the town's annual food fest & this month's farmers market so I'm hoping for a good turn out & great sales.

Apart from that I'll be trying to spend as much time as possible with my sister & family before they go back to Wales on monday. :sad2:

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


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I poured my first 16 oz apoth using CD Adv and Peak's Amish Harvest last night. It smells heavenly. Now, to let it cure and hope for a good hot throw. I also made my 1st batch of Kimberly's Whipped Shea, but I'm not sure if I whipped it long enough. It was nice and fluffy and looked like that sugary cake icing, but it's not so fluffy this a.m.

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I'm already missing candlemaking. I get to sit with my foot elevated from foot surgery. But I am a computer fool....working on new labels; making changes to get the shopping cart up; doing lots of research on some new products and fragrances.

So I guess it isn't that bad. It's not very often I get to do "sit down" work. LOL

Good luck to everyone on their shows this weekend!

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The "what to do with the rose bouquet" panic is over. (pics in the gallery) We now return to our scheduled candle making. Still pouring pillars getting ready for a show next month. I also have to do a set of square candles for a bride-to-be, but I don't want to think about brides right now. I have some vanilla mint ornies to bake. I don't think the leather is ever going to be ornies. Oh, and rum in my glass! (not when I'm pouring candles.)

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