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I lost a customer, a possible fundraiser, and a party in 1 day (a little vent)


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I'm back, wow the store is only 40 min away from my house. I know I had to of passed it before and never noticed it. He likes all of the scents, I added another one because I totally forgot I carried it. And he totally loved the name of it. Rock Your World.

I didn't touch a thing, I didn't even open up the door to get in, he did. All I could here was ping, ping, ping. From the I'm guessing quarters in the back room. He was going to give me a tour but I passed.

He told me that if I wanted I could get a 10-20% discount depending on what I want, from his store, lol. There were some interesting gadgets there.

So he has 5 scents to test, to see if he likes them. I also gave him a wholesale packet that I made up. With a scent list and wholesale info and a contract. But now he wants a new container, Which I all ready thought of that and printed out a few pictures of different containers for him to look at.

I also told him I'm going to have to have the contract signed and dated before I start testing new containers for his line.

He told me that my minimum wholesale which is $100 is to low. He told me that I should up it to at least $150 or $200.

I think this is going to go great, I get to pick his mind, not that way, lol but in a business way.

I'm pumped the heck with the woman, I asked him if he knew her and he said no. I didn't say why but he was asking me if I knew people and half of them I do know. I didn't ask him how he knew them, because I really didn't want to know. TMI.

He showed me the labels that he going to put on the candles, lets just say they totally fit in with the store, and thank goodness my name isn't going to be on them.

Thanks everybody, at first I felt weird doing this but now I feel like this is a great business decision, and could lead to more stuff. His sis and mom own a craft store. So if I can get him on my list maybe I can get them to.

Mindy :)

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Forgot to add this link to my earlier message sorry, But this is where i've been looking for moulds, My supplier has chocolate and ice tray moulds which i'm thinking of getting for batb bombs and soaps, but this site actually has "mens & women's" moulds specifically for soaps and candles. Hope it helps.


They have heaps of other good moulds there too.

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If you have a storefront open for business, you must sell to anyone who walks in the door

Actually this statement is completely false. ANYONE can refuse service, mom n pop, corporation, no matter. However, Either way, if you refuse someone for the wrong reasons, you could end up with a civi lawsuit. I have worked for many big business' over the years "Darden", "Palais Royal", and other large local companies, I have refused service at least once in every industry. MY reasons were for sexual advances by customers, racist remark by customers, and drunkeness (at that particular moment). I could not tell anyone I could not take their money because they are a certain race, or sex, or their sexual orientation is not acceptable or whatever.

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congrats forget that lady good luck with dirty guy sounds like you realkly dont neede her look how much more you got i bet in the futur her husband will buy one of the dirty candles lol that will get her lol good luck

we are cheering for you

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What the frick is a "pee bug"? Does she actually call it that?

Also, I have to admit, I'm such a boring woman that for the first whole page of your thread, I thought the man ran a dirty store...as in he didn't clean well. I was so confused about why she would care that your candles were in a store that didn't stay tidy. :P

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No, that's not what she calls it. She actually said the word. lol

I call it that, I was trying to think of a word other than that. lol

I saw her today, small town. She wouldn't even look at me, maybe she is ashamed of herself, of how she acted because of a business transaction or she thinks I'm freaky now.

angel2211, I looked at the molds, and they gave me lots of ideas, along with what the others have mentioned. I think I'm going to have to get a mold, my bf sister is getting married and they had asked me to make them candles for favors, maybe I'll be silly and make little pee bug, lol tarts.

Thanks for supporting me,

Mindy :)

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Hey Mindy,

I just have to say I am proud of you for handling all of this and sharing with us.

I am still laughing "dirty old guy" killing me :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Say he may have more than one store some day.


You would of ended up in a situation with that woman someday down the road if she is that judgmental? Those kind will always point blame and backstab oh yal don't forget self righteous.

know your heart and that is all you need to go by!!

Best of Luck to you !


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  • 2 months later...

Mindy, I am curious as to how this new account worked out for you and if you've been ostracized by the town. Hope you made a bundle and would love to see some of your creations for this account. Yeah, it's late, I'm bored, and here all alone!!

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Man....you gotta love small towns and small minds. LOL

Tomorrow, I expect you to be on the phone to the school and inquire who you need to meet with to discuss doing the fundraiser. That's certainly something that you can pursue on your own. You certainly don't need Ms. Priss for an introduction.

I'll bet she would just sh*# pee bugs (whatever the heck they are) if you end up with the fundraiser! LOL


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Sorry I didn't see this post until now.

I still have the account, He decided on the Metro containers. I had problems wicking this container for some odd reason.

As far as the lady goes, she is making her own candles. She has my exact Scent list, colors of the candles, and the containers. I haven't a clue how she tested 40 scents, wick, wax, etc.... in 1 month when it took me over a year to be happy with mine.

So my new venture is testing new scents and adding new candles slowly but surely.

And the fundraiser, well I didn't get one yet. But I volunteered for everything with the school and am part of the PTG. So maybe down the line I will get my chance to a fundraiser.

Mindy :)

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As far as the lady goes, she is making her own candles. She has my exact Scent list, colors of the candles, and the containers. I haven't a clue how she tested 40 scents, wick, wax, etc.... in 1 month when it took me over a year to be happy with mine.

Mindy :)

WOW...is all I can mutter....some people just amaze me (and not always in a good way). :)

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I'm sorry to hear you lost a customer. She seemed very loyal and eager to promote you. Her actions make one think you were more than just a place to get candles.. she seems to have invested herself in you and your business and for what ever the reason, this hurt. I can understand her postiton about no longer wanting to do business with you because of your affiliation with this store, but I can not agree with calling you up and blasting up for it. That flat out was wrong. It is your decision who you wil/will not do business with. She really should have just prayed for you and quietly stopped doing business with you if she felt you went against her moral/religious sensabilities. I hope she is not as vocal with her dissaproval of you as she was with your praises.

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Oh for crying out loud. That woman needs to get a grip on the real world. And I thought I was uptight and repressed! I would never presume to make that kind of judgement about anyone. Let her go - she is the type that could turn on you any time anyway, at least you found this out when you have a ripe opportunity to soften the blow! What if she'd seen you going into a Chippendales club (do they still have them?) for a girls' night out?!? you'd have lost the business without gaining more!

What's more, she has no right to judge you - especially since she obviously wasn't willing to listen. I agree with Sheri, if she'd truly wanted you to be "good" she'd have worked on that, not just rejected you - not a "God fearing" thing to do IMHO.

Move on.

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Anyways, I'll update you to tell you the names he picks out for the candles. Cherry I could come up with several names, but banana I haven't a clue, but I can just imagine the name is going to be hilarious.

Mindy :)

How about 'Appeeling Banana' or 'Banana Cabana' or 'Sunny Johnny':laugh2:

Come on you guys, I'm sure you can do better!!

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