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** What's in your pot for the week/end? **

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Hehe, late to work, had to go chase cows :) We're in an open range area, but no-one has let their cows out in many years. We don't have a fence on our driveway, so we woke up to 15 cows in the front pasture. And our aussie just looked at them - seems he's forgotten how to herd lol...

Anyway, unscented soap, and a honeysuckle batch maybe on Sunday. Some lavender 2" pillars as well. Art fair tomorrow - first time I've been to this one. Should be nice - 85F and clear...

What's up with you guys? Happy Father's Day if you are one or have one :)

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i havent really decided yet...I am testing some para-soy 8oz jelly jars I did this week...so far so good, I need to wick down a couple...no big deal though...

I am waiting to get my car back from the shop, they are making it pretty again, fixing my broken mirror and bumper and and and....hahahaha...i have had bad luck backing into things this last year...

I think I'm going to go thru my leftover box and see what i can some up with...that's a great idea...

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Since I have had interest in my "scented melts" I will be testing out a bunch of fo's in my soy, see what works and what I might need to use paraffin for. I found cute little chutney cups at the local dollar store, 5 for $1 and they make very nice one ounce melts. I'm wanting to try my wild cherry, pear and berries and kahlua and cream. Made some butterscotch vanilla last night and melted one this morning, already giving good throw.

Skye's birthday party is tomorrow so today I am baking dog bone cookies and then decorating the building and setting up tonight. Tomorrow it's pick up the cake, make sandwiches and have the party. I'm very excited! Guess I'll me making melts on Sunday... lol.

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My oldest is graduating from Univesity of Oregon on saturday...wahooooo!!!!!

big do at my house on sunday (pray it does't rain!!) going to try to get some of my Daystar samples poured....had them for a week...it's killing me to see them just sit...Happy Fathers Day!!! :cheesy2:

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Ahhh booze and more booze lol. Headed to St. Louis to party on with Rockin. We'll be leaving behind, mango/papaya and juicy pineapple and the idea that when we get back ... it's pourin' time all over again lol!

Good luck at your show Robin! I bet you do quite well!

Happy father's day to those of you who are. If I talk in a deep voice to my cat, can I celebrate father's day and make him buy me something? ;)

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I'm going to be doing a lot of Re-Batching. Failure box is fairly full so time to empty it. :D

ETA: I am a Dad but haven't spoken to my son in a couple of months. We had a bit of a falling out over him quitting school and being an idiot in general. Will definitely be spending some time with my Dad though. I don't know how many fathers day's he's got in him.

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I'm going to make my new "AstorQ" work for me. I'm trying to find a voo-doo dance to try so it will do so. (jk)

Master, hope all goes well with you and your son. I also quit school, but make more $$ now than those who went off to college. Surely by luck and prayer, but you sometimes can't find your way until you get lost to look for it.;)

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On a candle-making note, I think this weekend I'm going to pour some testers in my new enamelware cups I got from Mnhorseman's co-op. They are SOO cute!!!!

On a different note, I am being BAPTIZED on Saturday evening!!!!!!!

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I'm going to be doing a lot of Re-Batching. Failure box is fairly full so time to empty it. :D

ETA: I am a Dad but haven't spoken to my son in a couple of months. We had a bit of a falling out over him quitting school and being an idiot in general. Will definitely be spending some time with my Dad though. I don't know how many fathers day's he's got in him.

Just a thought: you never really know how many Father's Days YOU or your son have in you, either. My mom and I have periodical "fallings out" and don't talk for months, I know the cycle. I would never put my daughter through what it feels like to know for certain that your Mother doesn't give a crap about you, no matter what she did. Is he at all worth the effort to fix this? None of my business, I know, just would hate to see you regret wasted time...

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Well, I have poured a candle today that I am waiting to cool, then I am going to attempt to do some dried flower stuff to it. Tomorrow, I am taking the hubby and boys out for Father's day. Then, he has a committee meeting for his 15 year high school reunion. Sunday, spending Father's Day with hubby's dad.

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Been playing with Ecosoya PB all week,finding out how it works & making some nice looking pillars to photograph for my up & coming web-site. Going to do more of the same this w.e adding f.o's this time.

And trying to find the time to cut down the jungle in my back garden....I may never find my way out!

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I still have a hankerin to pour some pillars! Since I haven't gotten to them yet, I figured I'd probably pour up some of them this weekend. Also, finishing up on another fundraiser. I get all the packets today, but I've been pouring for it for a couple of weeks now. That way when I get the packets it wont seem so overwhelming.

I'd like to do some soap, but I'm running low on a lot of oils, so I really should just do an inventory instead.

That's about it for the weekend for me. :)

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I poured tea lights, pillars and containers today and tomorrow I will be making more soap. I cut my 4th batch today..woo hooo and I've also got to attend to the business side of things this weekend...arrrgh I don't like that part at all...cept maybe andvertising and photography..lol..just the creative aspect of the biz...:cool2:

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I will be frantically making a basket for a wedding we are invited to this weekend. We have 4 weddings now, 3 of which I am doing all the center pieces, and favours. But of course the wedding is tomorrow and I am just starting tonight!!! Working full time for a doctor and then coming home to 18 month old twin girls is exhausting!!!! So it will be a late night for me tonight. Just did my first pour on a rectangle 3 wick......HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL THE DADS OUT THERE

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Guest bubblemaker

36 16 oz apothes,, watermelon, greenclover and aloe, heavenly, mango papaya, satin sheets, jamacia me crazy and white tea and ginger. Gardening:cool2:

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We've got a huge 76th birthday bash for my mother coming up in mid-July in Philly. The whole family travels from Connecticut and Virginia and gathers for three days at my brother's house. We have planned events such as games, a magic show, a dart tournament, a dance and lots of good food and partying. This year part of the event will include a basket raffle where each of us makes our own custom baskets...so needless to say...mine will be a candle basket. I plan to make a trio of pillars (undecided on the style yet), a container, a six pack of votives, car air fresheners and tarts. Sooooo...that's what I'll be working on this weekend.

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No soap, sadly. Although never say never. But none planned. Candles, melts and wickless to pour. I meant to do it yesterday but flat ran out of time. My husband has vacation this week so I hope to be doing some fun stuff, although it is hard with one of the kids on crutches right now.

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Still recovering after my big show last weekend.

Based on what I sold there, I'm scaling back on some products and increasing production on others. Took a drive out to visit one of my suppliers yesterday. It was great---except for the bill :o

I've been working on some whipped shea for myself today--I keep it in the fridge and it feels sooooo good to rub on when it's hot outside. I swear shea butter has replaced most of my skin care purchases over the past year. Compared to the carp I used to spend money on, it's a bargain and much more effective.

I'm also making a friend some container candles out of some old candles she had at her wedding a few years ago. They were filthy, unscented white candles and me personally, I would have ignored sentiment and tossed them out altogether, but I promised I would give it a try. This friend can't bear to throw away anything with a memory attached to it. She was determined to recycle these candles. SO (being a very good friend) I melted them down and skimmed the dirt and grime off the hot wax, and I'm now coloring them a pale orange and scenting them with NG's Mango Papaya. I had to toss a lot of the wax because of the dirt, so from four or five big candles I'm getting two medium sized containers. I warned her that she shouldn't have any expectations but she promises she'll be happy with anything I come up with. :)

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