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Calling all Candle WAX Masters- HELP Finished pic page 2

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What in the HELL is this? I am using the custom votive/pillar blend from Candlewic CBL-141. Heated to 175 and cooled to 165 and poured. I have always done this, never ever had this happen before. It happened with the pillar and the votives. What in the world is this? Did someone forget to lock up their candle gremlins?? LOL

This is me trying to do a tilted layer.

The votives were left over pour from the first layer of the tilted. The votives have sucken in bad and they normally dont do this :-( Have not clue why they are doing this but its making me ill!




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Grrrr this is making me mad LOL I have no clue.. The only thing I can think of is I had it on the counter not far from a vent? Didn't realize it till just now.. Could that have caused it? I moved it away and hopefully it doesnt do this again! I am going to finish it and see what it turns out to look like all done.. If anything, I will just remelt the whole thing!


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Hmmm. I never add any additives and not sure what is all in this. I have been using this wax for about 2 years and it's the first time. I had 2 thermometors in at the same time. ( always do this to make sure one isn't dying or broke ) LOL .. Both registered the same. 165 .. Ok, well I will finish up the other side and see what happens


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Thanks.. Actually, I just noticed that for the first time in a very long time, I used dye chips instead of liquid dye but I couldn't imagine that making it that way. I will keep pouring and let ya know how it turns out in the morning


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I use the same wax (CBL-141 from Candlewic), and mine often look like that after the first pour... I pour right next to the window in the kichen... well, my kitchen is so small that everything is right next to the window! LOL! So, it's probably that you're pouring next to a vent. Hope it gets better tomorrow!

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Here is the latest. Thanks to the advice, I kept on going. Straightened the wick ( gotta watch those with tilted layers) and then heat gunned it and I actually like the way it looks. I like the two different looks ( smooth and not smoothed).. What do you guys think?



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Thank you. It's fine afterwards, but man.. the crap it looks like until you heat gun it makes it a pain in the butt. I have always loved loved loved this wax until NOW! I emailed Candlewic and hope to get an answer today about it. Hopefully it's like Top said and it's just a bad batch that they had!


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Christina.....I have been having a problem with CBL 141 and have had talks and sent pictures to Bill and Ellyn. I have used it for pillars and loved to make my chunks with it......then something went wrong and if I pour in into my cookie sheets it looks like the Grand Canyon.....I have to heat gun it smooth and I don't have the time. Bill told me that he isn't sure what happened...maybe its the "vybar"...... (or something else) so he sent me a slab of another batch....same thing....since they can't figure it out....I am now making my own formula for my chunks. It was so easy before and I loved the way it burned with my 4045 overpour, but we all know in this business that nothing stays the same...test test test. Donita

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I am experimenting with the different 4045's.....there are three that I know of. 4045, 4045H and 4045EP. They are all different. It depends on what you want the wax to do and how you want it to burn. For a plain pillar I would use different additives, but for my chunks, I find that 3% to 4% stearic and a little vybar 103 makes nice chunks. For a scented pillar I would up the vybar if I wanted an opaque candle. Most of my candles are crackled chunks and flowers on chunks or hurricanes. I think I have them figured out now.....after years of doing them they should be right...lol....Donita

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I just poured some chunks the other day out of a new case of this wax, didn't add anything and the tops of my chunks look the exact way. I didn't worry too much about it since you won't be able to see the brainy look once they are overpoured. Portia

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