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OK I've had enough...

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Right. I'm sick and tired of paying massive amounts of shipping costs to the UK - I just worked out how much I've spent and I coulda bought a plane ticket for the amount of money I've spent.. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm gonna take a trip out to the USA with an empty suitcase and fill up on oils, wicks, moulds, additives and just about anything else I can cram in my pockets.

So where's the best place to visit to get soy wax compatible fragrances at a good price? I have no idea which suppliers allow personal visits?

I'll tell hubby we need a holiday, and that he's no allowed to pack too much stuff and I can use HIS suitcase too!

Any ideas on where to get my supplies, especially candle warmers, oils, wicks, dyes etc (not wax, it's too heavy) would be appreciated!


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I wish there were some suppliers in VA because I will let you come stay here for free, but unfortnetly, there are NONE! :-( I have no clue where to help you on that. I know TX, Brenda at GL has soy products and she is open for people :-)


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just thinking out loud...but wouldn't this be expensive too? I seem to recall getting charged an "overweight" fee for my luggage when I took the family to disney a few years ago and all we had extra were some suveniers (ok, more than a few..lol) one of the suitcases was over 70lbs and they bi^&*ed about checking it..suggested that we ship it ahead of us. should really call ahead and ask about limits etc. I know it sounds like shipping to the UK is a pain, wish I had some other suggestions for you

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well, I'd only come over for a couple of days and take the biggest suitcase I could with a couple of changes of clothes in a backpack - we always fly business class so we get tons more baggage allowance. As long as I don't get any wax and it's just oils and wicks, we should get away with it!

We're not particularly looking for a holiday in the USA, we've been talking about where to go and I may casually suggest a state in the USA where I know a supplier is based ;) and just "happen" to say "hey, I just realised, so and so are around here somewhere..."

That should work !!

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My vote is for Peaks... your hubby would enjoy beautiful Colorado and you could get everything you need while you are there. I would bring what I had on my back and one or two spare sets and fill the rest with oils!! This is what I do when I go to Alaska for vacation... I take the minimum amount of clothing I need, in a carry on bag and then I fill all my "luggage- ice chests" with all the salmon and halibut that I caught while there!!! Much cheaper than shipping home!

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You need to check with Virgin or BA on what the weight limit is. Im trying to remember if BA had fees but then again when I worked with them, I was allowed to bring anything.

I know that US carriers have a weight limit and then begin to charge fees.

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My vote is for Peaks... your hubby would enjoy beautiful Colorado and you could get everything you need while you are there.
That's a great idea! I've heard of people going there so I know they allow personal visits. You would also be able to smell the FOs before buying which would be very helpful.

P.S. Wherever you decide to go be sure to let them know of your arrival beforehand so that they can arrange to show you around the facility.

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You need to check with Virgin or BA on what the weight limit is. Im trying to remember if BA had fees but then again when I worked with them, I was allowed to bring anything.

I know that US carriers have a weight limit and then begin to charge fees.

Should be alright - each person gets 2 pieces of luggage, and no piece can weigh over 70lbs and then in business class you can take another bag weiging no more than 20lbs. that's 90lb per person. The likelyhood of me being able to afford 90 bottles of FO is quite slim so I think I'll be well within my weight limits!

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I live close to WSP. If they have something you need, I could pick it up for you and send it to your hotel when you arrive. Heck, any of the companys would do that! Just alert the hotel to expect a package or two. Something to think about.

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Natty, you might want to check the baggage restrictions about transporting dangerous materials as/in baggage before you have any concrete plans. The flash points of the fo's may be a concern with the airline, or airlines (if you have a code share).

If you do decide to fly the stuff back with you, you may also want to get an agreement in writing from the airline(s). You might not be able to pack the stuff in a suitcase, but have to pkg it up into a box with applicable labels (whatever the airline's policy is). Advance notice to them will enable a smooth shipping of those fo's.

You may be able to breeze through undetected with fo's in suitcases. Esp. flying biz class. There is more leniency with biz, more with first, frequent fliers, etc.... of course in proportion with how much dough you shell out!

I can't stress the in writing part enough. A lot of customers claim a lot of things! Yeah, a previous incarnation was a stint with the airlines.

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There aren't any candle supply companies in the UK? Bummer, maybe you should just start your own candle supply company!

there are a few, but all of them just import their stuff from the USA - so I won't pay their prices - I buy it in myself and avoid the middle man. I'd love to start up a supply company, but I'd be the same as them - I'd have to import all my stuff from the USA and then add MY mark-up. I am in talks with a large manufacturer of FO, an american company who also have facilities over here, so I'm hoping I can do a deal with them if they bring down their minimum quantities - you have to buy 5kg of each FO and I just can't do that!

With regard to flash point, I can't order any oils that have a low flash point anyway as they won't be shipped to me, so I'd always make sure the flash was over 190. But good advice on the "in writing" thing tho.


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Almost all airlines limit to 40 lbs per bag even carry on. I have seen some try it. I would break my back. But it cost me $25 for every lb. I went to the trash. We went and bought another bag and put the extra in that. But the bag cost me but it was still less then the over weight. We flew right after they changed that rule and would not budge.

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